單字講座 01:assure (v) / ensure (v) / insure (v)
教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊
assure 和 ensure 的意思都是保證;而 insure 的意思則為「保險」。三者的用法其實大不同喔!讓我們看下去:
▌ assure sb that S + V = tell sb that something is ok so as to remove their doubt 用法:
▶ 例 1:雖然小孩已察覺到我和他爸之間有些不對勁,但是我跟他們保證我們絕對不會離婚。
Although my kids have sensed that there is something wrong with me and his dad, I assure them that we would never get a divorce.
這裡的 assure 意指 make a promise,後面接 that we … divorce,是為了讓小孩不要擔憂我們會離婚。
▶ 例 2:我男友打電話給我,跟我保證他沒忘了要載我去機場。
My boyfriend calls me to assure me that he hasn’t forgotten to drive me to the airport.
這裡的 assure 意指 make a promise,後面接 that he…airport,是為了讓我不要擔心,他會記得來載我。
▌ ensure that S + V = make sure that S + V = guarantee that S + V
和 assure 不同:ensure 後方通常不用人當受詞,而是用 that 子句帶出來的一件事當受詞。
▶ 例 1:堆積如山的回家作業保證讓你今晚沒空打線上遊戲。
Such a giant pile of homework ensures that you have no time to play online games tonight.
ensure 用於 make sure that something will (or won’t) happen
▌ insure N = protect the value of N against losses or damage with insurance
▶ 例1:你跟我們投保越多部車,我們就能給你越大的車子保險折扣!
The more cars you insure with us, the bigger the car insurance discount we can offer you.
呼!講解完啦~ 我們可 assure you that there are differences between these three words。藉著看這篇文章,you can ensure that you know how to use these words correctly. 但無論如何,we can’t insure you.