
單字講座 25:batter (v) / better (v) (adj) / bitter (adj)

近來,「怪風」常上新聞。先是 "batter" 成田機場,造成星宇航班大誤點,乘客被迫餓著肚子夜宿機場,鬧得沸沸揚揚。然後颱風瑪娃接著來。原本期待瑪娃 "batter" 台灣能讓水庫吃飽飽,緩解夏季缺水危機。但是事與願違,瑪娃來個怪異的直角大彎,轉身離去,讓巴望著放颱風假的我們,希望落空。讀到這,納悶 batter 是什麼意思嗎?請見下方解說。。

▍batter (v) 連續猛擊 = strike repeatedly and violently

▶ 例 1:機場的強風連續猛擊試圖降落的一些航班。
At the airport, gusty winds battered a few planes trying to land.

▍better (v) 改善 = improve (adj) 更好的

▶ 例 1:這家慈善機構以改善那些需要幫助的人的生活為目標。
The charity aims to better the lives of those in need.

▶ 例 2:Hotel A 的晚餐比 Hotel B 多了,因為我可想吃多少就吃多少。
Dinner in Hotel A is much better than that in Hotel B because I can have as much as I wanted.

▍bitter (adj) 苦的/ 憤恨激烈的 = resentful / fierce

▶ 例 1:輸了比賽是我們必須吞下的藥,我們不得不接受這件事。
Losing the game was a bitter pill for us to swallow.

▶ 例 2:上個月他們因為錢起了激烈的爭執。從那之後,他們再也不和對方說話。
They had a bitter argument over money last month and they haven't spoken to each other since then..

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