單字講座 27:banquet (n) / bouquet (n)
一提到生日,大家腦中是否不由自主地浮現「禮物山、banquet、輕旅行、考駕照、脫單、bouquet、蛋糕和吹蠟燭」這些關鍵字呢?今天我們要介紹的是兩大慶生經典元素:banquet 和 bouquet。
▍banquet (n) 饗宴大餐 = feast
▶ 例 1:除夕夜有大餐可吃,而我常因暴食而肚子疼。
A great banquet was served on Chinese New Year’s Eve, and I often gave myself a bellyache by eating too much.
▶ 例 2:這部音樂劇是視覺和聽覺的饗宴。
This musical is a wonderful banquet for the eyes and ears.
▍ bouquet (n) 花束
▶ 例 1:Alice邊說:這些玫瑰花好美,邊將鼻子湊近花束,嗅著花香。
“These roses are beautiful,” Alice said, putting her nose into the bouquet and smelling them.