
單字講座 34:bloom (n) (v) / boom (n) (v) / blossom (n) (v)

暑假來了!出遊人潮傾巢而出。旅遊業 boom!bloom!blossom?這可不是念咒語唷。聽不懂嗎?那就看下去吧。

▍bloom (v) 開花 = blossom / 蓬勃發展 = boom / blossom (n) 開花

▶ 例 1:我媽精通園藝。她種了開花時間不同的各種植物,所以我們有個一年到頭都的花園。
My mom has a green thumb. She plants various plants that have different bloom times so that we have a garden that blooms all season long.

註解:bloom times 的 bloom 是「名詞」。that blooms ... 的 blooms 是「動詞」。 

▶ 例 2:隨著人口快速老化,照護經濟蓬勃發展
With the population fast aging, care economy blooms.

▍boom (v) (經濟上的)蓬勃發展 = flourish / prosper / thrive (n) 蓬勃發展

▶ 例 1:疫情後,電商將持續蓬勃發展
After this pandemic and beyond, e-commerce will continue to boom.

▶ 例 2:後疫情時代的旅遊大爆發能持續下去嗎?
Can the post-pandemic travel boom endure?

▍blossom (v) 開花 = bloom / 發展成 … = blossom into N (n) 開花

▶ 例 1:盛開的花朵讓空氣中充滿宜人的芳香。
The flowers that are blossoming fill the air with a lovely fragrance.

▶ 例 2:Amy 和 Jack 和聽眾分享他們的友誼如何發展成愛情,然後讓他們變成一家人。
Amy and Jack share with the audience how their friendship blossomed into love and grew into a family.

▶ 例 3:吉野山一直是日本最著名的觀賞櫻花盛開的勝地。
Mount Yoshino has been Japan’s most famous cherry blossom viewing spot.

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