
單字講座 56:considerable (adj) / considerate (adj)

2024「食」不安心!一連串的食安風暴,從西布特羅肉品、致癌蘇丹紅辣椒粉,到最近骸人聽聞的寶林茶室米酵菌酸中毒案,引爆大眾對食安的極大擔憂。政府真該好好細思如何補破網,保住全民「吃的小確幸」!話說「極大擔憂」是 considerable concern 還是 considerate concern 呢?讓我們一起看下去。

▍considerable (adj) 相當大(多)的 = significant / substantial
▶ 例 1:最近的食安醜聞重創消費者信心,引發大眾對食安的極大擔憂。
Recent food scandals have dealt a heavy blow to consumers’ confidence and raised considerable public concern over food safety.

▍considerate (adj) 體貼的 = thoughtful
▶ 例 1:無論他多麼試著要體貼我,他總是讓我不開心。
No matter how considerate he tries to be towards me, he always upsets me.

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