
單字講座 67:clever (adj) / cunning (adj) / intelligent (adj) / wise (adj)

創意奇才賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)如何定義「聰明」呢?他曾說:極度聰明的人都有一個特徵,他們能縱觀全局,然後以意想不到的方式結合不同領域的能力來解決問題。由此看來,若我們能成為知識上的雜食動物,並用開放的心探索世界,我們就能變得更聰明!話說「聰明」是 clever、cunning、intelligent 還是 wise 呢?下方說分明。

▍clever (adj) 聰明(智商高)的 = intelligent / 巧妙的 = skillful
▶ 例 1:Amy 是如此地聰明,總是能輕鬆考出好成績。
Amy is so clever that she always aces exams effortlessly.

▶ 例 2:巧妙偽裝下,沒人認出他。
No one recognizes him under his clever disguise.

▍cunning (adj) 狡詐的
▶ 例 1:我們如何智取滿肚子詭計的狡詐詐騙集團呢?
How can we outsmart the scam artists who are cunning and full of tricks?

▍intelligent (adj) 聰明(智商高)的 = clever
▶ 例 1:大猩猩智商很高,常使用工具。有些大猩猩甚至會將木棍削尖,用於狩獵。
Chimpanzees are highly intelligent, with tool use common. Some even go as far as to sharpen sticks to use for hunting.

▍wise (adj) 明智的
▶ 例 1:我爸媽總是給我明智的建議,幫助我度過難關。
My parents always offer me wise suggestions to help me get through difficulties.

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