單字講座 99:expand (v) / expend (v)
手機堪稱「地表最強小三」。常見情侶約會,餐桌上,兩人沒交談,反而各自滑著手機配飯。該有的歡樂時光,變成 Lonely together。若你已厭倦被手機綁架,只有通話功能的「智障型手機」,如:MP 01 和 The Light Phone,可協助你擺脫每天耗費N小時掛網的生活。話說「耗費」是 expand 還是 expend 呢?下方說分明。
▍expand (v) 擴大
▶ 例 1:公司擴展海外市場是為了擴大消費族群,提升銷售量和增加收入。
Companies expand into foreign markets to expand their customer base, boost their sales, and increase their revenue.
▍expend (v) 花(耗)費(心力、時間、金錢)
▶ 例 1:我最不願意做的事就是耗費心力試圖說服我妹。她太頑固,以至於無法聽取他人建議。
The last thing I would like to do is expend my energy trying to convince my sister, who is too stubborn to listen to suggestions.
▍expand (v) 擴大
▶ 例 1:公司擴展海外市場是為了擴大消費族群,提升銷售量和增加收入。
Companies expand into foreign markets to expand their customer base, boost their sales, and increase their revenue.
▍expend (v) 花(耗)費(心力、時間、金錢)
▶ 例 1:我最不願意做的事就是耗費心力試圖說服我妹。她太頑固,以至於無法聽取他人建議。
The last thing I would like to do is expend my energy trying to convince my sister, who is too stubborn to listen to suggestions.