
單字講座 109:function (n) (v) / operate (v)

今年十月,海倫颶風重創美國基礎設施,造成斷電斷網。此時iOS 18的「衛星通訊SOS緊急求救」功能適時為災民提供了一線生機。這項服務讓災民在沒有行動網路或Wi-Fi的情況下,仍可傳送iMessage或SMS訊息給緊急聯絡人或是iCloud成員。科技助力人類又一例。話說「功能」是 function 還是 operate 呢?下方說分明。

▍function (n) 功能 (v) 運作 = operate
▶ 例 1:醫生正在進行測試,以了解 Cathy 的肺部運作得如何,以及她是否可脫離呼吸器。
The doctor is running tests to see how Cathy’s lungs are functioning and whether she can be weaned off the ventilator.

▶ 例 2:肝臟的功能包含移除血管中的廢棄物和外來物質、調節血糖和製造重要營養素。
The functions of the liver include removing waste products and foreign substances from the bloodstream, regulating blood sugar levels, and creating essential nutrients.

▍operate (v) 經營 = run / 操(運)作
▶ 例 1:我媽申請了一張執照以便能在這建築內經營公司。
My mom applied for a license to be able to operate her business on the property.

▶ 例 2:保持車子運作順暢的祕訣之一就是定期保養。
One tip for keeping your car operating smoothly is regular maintenance.

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