文法講座三十九:so …that / such …that / enough …to / too … to 句型
A. It’s such fine weather that I go to the beach with Ted.
B. Jack ran enough fast winning the race.
C. The tea is too hot for me to drink it.
D. The mansion is so expensive that I can’t afford.
A 選項,天氣如此地好,我和泰德去了海邊。
“fine weather” 為名詞,故可用「such 名詞 that 主詞 + 動詞」。
B 選項,傑克跑得夠快,所以可贏得這場比賽。
「夠…所以可以…」的寫法為:形容詞/ 副詞 enough for 人 to 動詞原形,故本句應改成:Jack ran fast enough to win the race.
C 選項,茶太燙我沒辦法喝。
將句尾的 drink 和主詞 the tea 接起來,drink the tea 可構成完整語意,故不需受詞 it。本句應改成:The tea is too hot for me to drink.
D 選項,這豪宅如此地貴,以至於我負擔不起。
關代 that 後方應為完整句,afford 為及物動詞,後方需加受詞,故本句應改成:The mansion is so expensive that I can't afford it.
- 對某人而言,太…以至於不能…:too 形容詞 / 副詞 for 人 to 動詞原形 例句:老人家太虛弱不能走路。
- 對某人而言,夠…所以可以…: 1. 形容詞 / 副詞 enough for 人to 動詞原形
- 如此地 … 以至於 …: 1. so 形容詞 / 副詞 that 主詞 + 動詞
The old man is too weak to walk.
I am not rich enough to buy a diamond ring.2. enough 名詞 to 動詞原形
I don’t have enough money to buy a diamond ring.
2. such 名詞 that 主詞 + 動詞
關係代名詞 that 當連接詞使用,連接句子 ( 即 " 主詞 + 動詞 " 結構 )。
It is so hot today that I feel like having ice cream.
It is such a hot day that I feel like having ice cream.
A. It’s such fine weather that I go to the beach with Ted.
B. Jack ran enough fast winning the race.
C. The tea is too hot for me to drink it.
D. The mansion is so expensive that I can’t afford.
A 選項,天氣如此地好,我和泰德去了海邊。
“fine weather” 為名詞,故可用「such 名詞 that 主詞 + 動詞」。
B 選項,傑克跑得夠快,所以可贏得這場比賽。
「夠…所以可以…」的寫法為:形容詞/ 副詞 enough for 人 to 動詞原形,故本句應改成:Jack ran fast enough to win the race.
C 選項,茶太燙我沒辦法喝。
將句尾的 drink 和主詞 the tea 接起來,drink the tea 可構成完整語意,故不需受詞 it。本句應改成:The tea is too hot for me to drink.
D 選項,這豪宅如此地貴,以至於我負擔不起。
關代 that 後方應為完整句,afford 為及物動詞,後方需加受詞,故本句應改成:The mansion is so expensive that I can't afford it.