單字講座 87:doom (n) (v) / fate (n) / destiny (n)
這則新聞為「命運跌宕」作了註解。被譽為「英國版比爾蓋茲」的科技大亨 Mike Lynch 日前剛從一場纏訟 13 年的詐欺官司脫身。不料本週一乘豪華遊艇出航慶祝時,遇上水龍捲,船隻在義大利西西里島附近海域沉沒,林奇和同行友人,包含替他作帳的財務顧問與辯護律師,迄今生死未卜。無獨有偶,與他同列被告的前同事 Stephen Chamberlain,則傳出上週六出車禍,在 Lynch 沉船失蹤前數小時,拔管宣告死亡。這些恐怖巧合,令人頭皮發麻。話說「命運」是 doom、fate 還是 destiny 呢?下方說分明。
▍doom (n) 厄運(指毀滅/ 死亡) (v) 註定(遭逢厄運)
▶ 例 1:女海妖誘使船員走向死亡。他們用優美的歌聲催眠船員,導致他們的船撞上礁石和陸地。
The Sirens lure sailors to their doom; they sing beautiful songs to hypnotize sailors, causing them to crash their boats into rocks and land.
▶ 例 2:遠距戀愛註定失敗。百分之40的遠距戀情在一年內分手收場。
Long-distance relationships are doomed to fail, with 40 percent of them ending in breakups in one year.
▍fate (n) 宿命
▶ 例 1:失蹤登山客命運未卜。
The fate of the missing mountain climber is unknown.
▍destiny (n) 命運
▶ 例 1:你是自己命運的主宰者。你可以讓自己的人生變成你想要的樣子。
You are the master of your destiny. You can make your life what you want it to be.
▍doom (n) 厄運(指毀滅/ 死亡) (v) 註定(遭逢厄運)
▶ 例 1:女海妖誘使船員走向死亡。他們用優美的歌聲催眠船員,導致他們的船撞上礁石和陸地。
The Sirens lure sailors to their doom; they sing beautiful songs to hypnotize sailors, causing them to crash their boats into rocks and land.
▶ 例 2:遠距戀愛註定失敗。百分之40的遠距戀情在一年內分手收場。
Long-distance relationships are doomed to fail, with 40 percent of them ending in breakups in one year.
▍fate (n) 宿命
▶ 例 1:失蹤登山客命運未卜。
The fate of the missing mountain climber is unknown.
▍destiny (n) 命運
▶ 例 1:你是自己命運的主宰者。你可以讓自己的人生變成你想要的樣子。
You are the master of your destiny. You can make your life what you want it to be.