單字講座 12:arise (v) / arouse (v)/ rise (v)/ raise (v)
教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊
▍arise (v) get up 起床/ 起身;happen 發生/產生
arise後不加受詞。動詞變化:arise – arose – arisen -- arising;常用片語:arise from N = result from N:起因於 N。▶ 例 1:我清晨起床後,幫我自己做了頓豐盛的早餐。
At dawn, I arose and made myself a rich breakfast.
▶ 例 2:當愛花錢的人嫁了個愛存錢的人,問題就發生了。
Problems arise when a spender marries a saver.
▶ 例 3:意外常常起因於粗心大意。
Accidents often arise from carelessness.
▍ arouse (v) call forth 引發
arouse 後須加受詞。動詞變化:arouse – aroused – aroused -- arousing 。arouse只能用於引發反應或情緒,例如:arouse admiration, controversy, curiosity, suspicion, interest, opposition, revenge, appetite, indignation, hostility, jealousy, resentment。
▶ 例 1:作者沒料到他的小說會引發如此大的爭議。
This author didn’t expect his novel to arouse such controversy.
▍ rise (v) arise 起身/ 起床;ascend 上升;increase 增加 (n) increase 增加
rise後不加受詞。動詞變化:rise – rose – risen – rising。
▶ 例 1:早睡早起讓人健康、富有且聰明。
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
▶ 例 2:太陽東邊升起,西邊落下。
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
▶ 例 3:美國新冠肺炎病例持續上升。三周來增長了兩倍。
The COVID-19 cases in the US keep rising, doubling over three weeks.
= The COVID-19 cases in the US have been on the rise, doubling over three weeks.
▍ raise (v) lift 提高 / 舉起;increase 增加;bring up / cultivate 養 (n) increase 增加。
raise 後需加受詞。動詞變化:raise – raised – raised – raising。常用詞彙有:raise sb’s awareness of N / concerns about N / doubts about N:提高某人的 … 意識 / 對 … 的擔憂 / 對 … 的疑慮;raise prices 漲價;raise money 募款。
▶ 例 1:老師要求他的學生發言前先舉手。
The teacher asks her students to raise their hands before they speak.
▶ 例 2:我不知道該如何要求老闆幫我加薪。
I don’t know how to ask my boss to raise my wage.
= I don’t know how to ask my boss for a pay raise.
▶ 例 3:為了在紐約養活一家四口,你必須年收入 35 萬美金或以上。
To raise a family of four in New York, you've now got to make $350,000 or more a year.
結論:rise 和 arise 後方不加受詞。arouse 和 raise 後方要加受詞。
▶ 例 1:老師要求他的學生發言前先舉手。
The teacher asks her students to raise their hands before they speak.
▶ 例 2:我不知道該如何要求老闆幫我加薪。
I don’t know how to ask my boss to raise my wage.
= I don’t know how to ask my boss for a pay raise.
▶ 例 3:為了在紐約養活一家四口,你必須年收入 35 萬美金或以上。
To raise a family of four in New York, you've now got to make $350,000 or more a year.
結論:rise 和 arise 後方不加受詞。arouse 和 raise 後方要加受詞。