
單字講座 14:altitude (n) / aptitude (n) / attitude (n)

教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊

altitude (n) height 海拔高度

▶ 例 1:當急升到高海拔高度時,我們可能有頭痛、頭暈和呼吸急促等症狀。

Rapidly ascending to high altitudes, we might develop such symptoms as headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

▍aptitude (n) inherent ability 天賦才能;aptitude for N:… 的天賦才能

▶ 例 1:Mark 很聰明,非常有數學天份
Mark is quite smart, with a remarkable aptitude for math.

▍attitude (n) stance 態度;attitude towards N:對 … 的態度

▶ 例 1:他對媒體抱持敵意態度,稱媒體為「人民公敵」。
He has a hostile attitude towards the media, calling the media “the true Enemy of the People.”

結論:altitude、aptitude 和 attitude 拼字相近,意思卻大不同,看仔細囉!

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