
110年(108課綱)大考中心試辦試題(翻譯 / 作文):大學堂英文參考答案

透過 9/1—9/3 這場九萬多人共同參與的試辦考試,我們對即將到來的111學測有了更完整的第一手了解。以下附上試題、解答、翻譯參考答案,和寫作單字與大綱,咱們看下去吧。





1. 很多人害怕公開演講,常在上台之前發抖、覺得頭昏。
Many people are afraid of public speaking, often shaking and feeling dizzy before they go on (to) the stage.

(1) are afraid of Ving = are scared of Ving = are afraid to V原 = are scared to V原
are afraid of public speaking = are afraid of speaking in public = are afraid of speaking in front of a crowd = are afraid to speak in public = are afraid to speak in front of a crowd.
(2) , often shaking (或 shivering) and feeling = , and they often shake (或 shiver) and feel
(3) before they go = before going

2. 只要我們對自己有信心,並持續練習,就可以克服怯場的問題。
As long as we have confidence in ourselves and keep practicing, we can overcome the issue of stage fright.

(1) overcome = conquer = get over
(2) issue = problem




說明極端天候的劇烈影響,例子:澳洲 / 7個多月的森林野火 / 10億動物死亡,肯亞 / 蝗災 / 糧食危機,南亞 / 暴雨 / 洪水 / 土石流)  →  而我們台灣則面臨沒颱風/ 降雨量創歷史新低 / 水庫乾涸見底 / 庫底泥土龜裂 / 雜草古蹟露出  →  下游農作物休耕 / 一片荒蕪 → 工業用水限縮,影響生產  →  民生用水短缺,生活不便  →  乾旱讓政府傷透腦筋,除了實施更嚴格的限水,也已規劃種雲造雨,希望能紓緩旱象。

全球暖化的現象持續惡化,加上民眾將水資源視為理所當然,沒有節水觀念,讓缺水問題雪上加霜  →  逆轉水危機,需要大家一起努力,我們應採取立即行動  →  方法,例如:(1) 實踐3R (reduce / reuse / recycle),減緩全球暖化,同時回收(淨化)廢水,重複使用廢水,安裝節水裝置,減少用水  →  (2) 改善供水設施,淘汰老舊管線,改成智慧節能輸水系統,減少運送過程中漏水 / 耗損 / 水中雜質 / 耗電,提升水質  →  (3) 研發便宜、有效節能的新科技,將海水處理成可飲用的淡水  →  (4) 訂定適當的水價(就台灣而言,就是要略調漲水費),減少浪費水的可能  →  這些改變可讓世界大不同。


global warming 全球暖化;climate change 氣候變遷;extreme weather 極端天候;forest fire 森林大火;destroy / ravage (v) 毀壞;downpour 暴雨;flood (n) 洪水 (v) 淹水;mudslide / landslide (n) 土石流;suffer (v) 遭受;drought (n) 乾旱;record  low 歷史新低;unprecedented (adj) 史無前例的;typhoon (n) 颱風;dam (n) 大壩;reservoir (n) 水庫;water level 水位;capacity (n) 容量;dry up 乾涸;bottom out 降到最低點;crack (n) 裂縫 (v) 裂開;barren (adj) 荒蕪不毛的;scarcity (n) 稀少;tackle N = handle N = cope with N = deal with N 處理;shortage (n) 短缺;deficiency (n) 不足;crisis (n) 危機;industrial (adj) 工業的;agricultural (adj) 農業的;domestic (adj) 國內的 / 家裏的;suspend (v) 暫停;irrigation (n) 灌溉;cut down on N / reduce (v) 減少;consumption (n) 消耗/ 消費;artificial rain 人造雨;relieve (v) 舒緩;deteriorate / worsen (v) 惡化;take N for granted 將N視為理所當然;go from bad to worse 每況愈下;add insult to injury 雪上加霜;resource (n) 資源;conserve water 節約用水;reverse (v) 逆轉;practice the 3R policy 實踐 3R;slow down 減緩;treat (v) 處理;waste water 廢水;purify (v) 淨化;install (v) 安裝;water-saving (adj) 省水的;facility (n) 設施;replace A with B:用B取代A;pipeline (n) 管線;transport (v) 運送;process (n) 過程;leak (v) (n) 漏出;quality (n) 品質;drinking water 飲用水;price (n) 價格 (v) 定價;proper/ appropriate (adj) 合適的;raise the price 漲價;waste (v) 浪費 (n) 廢棄物;effort (n) 努力;make a difference to N:讓 … 大不同

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