
單字講座 18:award (v)(n) / reward (v)(n)

教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊

award (n) prize 獎項 (v) present an award to sb 授與頒給 …

▶ 例 1:校長正在頒發現金獎給那些在考試中表現出色的學童。
The principle was awarding cash prizes to those schoolchildren who did well in their exams.

▶ 例 2:這部小說獲無數。這部得小說值得一讀。
This novel has won countless awards. This award-winning novel is worth reading.

reward (n) benefit 獎賞回報 (v) 獎賞回報
reward sb with sth:用某物來回報獎賞某人;reward sb for sth:因為某事而回報獎賞某人

▶ 例 1:我餵我家狗兒一些雞肉,而他舔舔我的手做為回報
I fed some chicken to my dog, and he rewarded me with a lick on my hand.

▶ 例 2:努力工作,然後你就可豐收成功的回報
Always work hard, and then you can reap the rewards of success.

結論:award「獎項 / 頒獎」和 reward「獎賞回報」,意思大不同唷。

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