單字講座 23:bizarre (adj)/ bazaar (n)
近來社會上似乎瀰漫著騷動紛擾的氛圍。「5 億高中生之死」、「im.B 詐騙」、「小五生共謀毒害同學」等案件接連而來,劇情超展開,令人匪夷所思。寫到這,腦中不禁浮現 "bizarre" 這單字。bazaar 和 bizarre 發音和拼字很相似,一起介紹吧!
▍bizarre (adj) 古怪的 = weird / peculiar / odd
▶ 例 1:據說這名史丹佛大學的教授接受了國防部委託,調查幽浮引發軍人腦損傷致死的古怪案件。
The Stanford professor was allegedly tasked by the Defense Department to look into bizarre cases of troops dying due to UFO-inflicted brain injuries.
▍bazaar (n) 市集 / 義賣
bazaar 源自波斯語,意指「市集」。被義大利人採用後,傳入了歐洲,然後被收進英文字典。
▶ 例 1:我習慣來這個市集採買生活雜貨。市集狹窄的街道兩側盡是新鮮農產和熟食攤位。
I am used to going grocery shopping to this bazaar -- a narrow street with all sorts of fresh produce and food stalls on either side.
▶ 例 2:我們舉辦為期兩天的義賣,替地震災民募款。
The two-day bazaar was held to raise funds for the earthquake victims.