單字講座 22:blanket (n) (v) / carpet (n) / rug (n)
▍blanket (n) (蓋在身上的)毯子/ 厚厚一層 a blanket of N (v) cover 覆蓋 / 籠罩
「名詞」blanket 意指「毯子」,毯子是拿來蓋的,故「動詞」blanket 意指「覆蓋 / 籠罩」。
▶ 例 1:我爬上床,把溫暖舒適的毯子拉到下巴,幾分鐘後我已進入夢鄉。
Climbing into bed, I pulled the cozy blanket under my chin and minutes later, I was in dreamland.
▶ 例 2:厚厚的積雪像條毯子般覆蓋了屋頂,彷彿是要保護底下的房子,替它加溫保暖。
[ 名詞寫法 ] A thick blanket of snow covered the roof as if to warm and protect the house underneath.
[ 動詞寫法 ] A thick layer of snow blanketed the roof as if to warm and protect the house underneath.
▶ 例 3:濃霧籠罩機場,打亂許多航班。
Heavy fog blankets the airport, disrupting many flights.
▍carpet (n) 大地毯
▶ 例 1:他們的客廳才剛鋪上新地毯。
They just had a new carpet laid in their living room.
▍rug (n) 小地毯
片語「sweep sth under the rug」(把不想讓人看見的東西掃到地毯下,遮蓋起來),意指「掩蓋(尷尬 / 違法 / 錯誤…)的事(問題)」。
▶ 例 1:Andy 設法掩蓋他的婚外情。
Andy sought to sweep his extramarital affair under the rug.