
單字講座 29:beside (prep.) / besides (adv) (prep.)

婚禮上總是少不了這樣「萬」聽不厭的戳心誓詞:Through good times and bad, I will always be there right _______ you.” 咦~~是 beside 還是 besides?讓我來說分明!

▍beside (prep) 在 … 旁邊 = next to

▶ 例 1:我家狗仔喜歡坐旁邊。或許在我身邊他覺得更安全些。
My dog likes sitting beside me. Maybe it feels safer around me.

▍besides (adv) 除了…以外也… = in addition 
           (prep) 除了…以外也… = in addition to

▶ 例 1:規律運動幫助我減重。此以外,運動提升了我的活力。
Regular exercise helps me with weight loss. Besides, it also increases my energy. 
 = Regular exercise helps me with weight loss. In addition / Moreover / Furthermore / What’s more, it also increases my energy.

註解:句中的 besides 為「副詞」,句型架構為:Besides, S + V。

▶ 例 2:除了劇烈頭痛以外,你還有什麼其他症狀?
Besides a severe headache, what other symptoms are you experiencing?
= In addition to a severe headache, what other symptoms are you experiencing?

註解:句中的 besides 為「介系詞」,後方搭配「名詞」a headache。

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