單字講座 39:coarse (adj) / hoarse (adj)
疫情爆發以來,長時間戴口罩讓你狂冒痘、濕疹泛紅、毛孔變大、皮膚粗糙嗎?若有以上症狀,你可能悶出了「口罩肌」囉!不妨試試皮膚科醫師的撇步,戴口罩前後,使用凡士林保濕。希望大家都能抗「糙」成功。皮膚「粗糙」是 coarse skin 還是 hoarse skin 呢?下方說分明。
▍coarse (adj) 質地粗糙的 = rough / 行為粗鄙的 = vulgar
▶ 例 1:領巾邊緣的刺繡質地粗糙,貼著我的脖子不太舒服。
The embroidery at the edges of the scarf felt coarse and uncomfortable against my neck.
▶ 例 2:餐桌前,Jack 表現粗鄙,不只舔盤子,還用袖子擤鼻涕和擦嘴。
At the dinner table, Jack was coarse, not only licking the plates but blowing his nose and wiping his mouth on his sleeves.
▍hoarse (adj) 聲音粗啞的 = rough + unclear
▶ 例 1:因為我得了重感冒,我的聲音變得粗啞。
I had a terrible cold, and my voice got hoarse.
對了,來揭曉引言的答案。粗糙皮膚是 coarse skin,而非 hoarse skin 唷。