單字講座 43:cease (v)/ decease (v) (n)
我的老天鵝啊!小編多年午餐必聽的毒舌派《卡提諾狂新聞》,9 月 16 日無預警宣布永久「停更」。 且這股 YT 大咖停更潮似乎仍在蔓延中。下個會是誰呢?話說「停更」是 cease posting 還是 decease posting?下方說分明。
▍cease (v) 停止 = stop
▶ 例 1:若你停止替這些植物澆水,它們遲早有一天會停止存活。
If you cease watering the plants, they will cease to exist sooner or later.
註:「cease to V原」和「cease Ving」意思相同,都是指「停止 / 不做某事」。
▍decease (v) 死亡 = die (n) 死亡 = death
▶ 例 1:他父親死的時候負債累累。
His father had many debts at the time of his decease.
▶ 例 2:父母死後,這男孩成了孤兒。
After his parents were deceased, the boy became an orphan.
▶ 例 1:他父親死的時候負債累累。
His father had many debts at the time of his decease.
▶ 例 2:父母死後,這男孩成了孤兒。
After his parents were deceased, the boy became an orphan.