
單字講座 46:complexity (n) / complexion (n)

韓星們的水煮蛋肌誰不羨慕呢?但是你知道嗎?常邀明星拍攝時裝照的雜誌編輯們,見證明星素顏後,票選出不需P圖的好膚BEST 7。榜單中,男神居然多過女神唷。在玹@NCT、伯賢@EXO、河成雲都名列前茅。話說膚色是 complexity還是 complexion 呢?下方說分明。

▍complexity (n) 複雜度

▶ 例 1:這部電影有很多劇情轉折,且主角間的關係錯縱複雜。它的複雜度使他變得深奧難懂。
This movie has lots of plot twists and complex relationships between characters. It complexity makes it hard to understand.

▍complexion (n) 膚色 / 態勢特質

▶ 例 1:我的新女友有雙大長腿、藍眼睛和像草莓冰淇淋般粉嫩的膚色
My new girlfriend has long legs, blue eyes and a complexion like strawberry ice cream.

▶ 例 2:Jack進了一球,改變了比賽的態勢
Jack scored a goal, changing the complexion of the game.

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