單字講座 61:credible (adj) / credulous (adj) / creditable (adj)
八卦、吃瓜是天性,但一連串事件,如:網紅假抗癌多年、吹哨者變被告,再再告訴我們:別輕易入戲。話說 credible、credulous 還是 creditable 的人比較容易受騙呢?下方說分明。
▍credible (adj) 可信可靠的 = believable
▶ 例 1:我問了 Jack 更多問題,但是他說得越多,他的說詞聽起來就越不可信。
I asked Jack more questions, but the more he talked, the less credible his account sounded.
▍credulous (adj) 輕易相信的 / 易受騙的 = gullible
▶ 例 1:人們認為只有輕易相信他人的人或貪心的人才會淪為詐騙的受害者。然而,真相是任何人都可能受騙。
People think that only the credulous and greedy fall victim to scams. However, the truth is that anyone can get scammed.
▍creditable (adj) 值得稱讚的 = praiseworthy
▶ 例 1:這個交響樂團的樂手實力堅強,持續有令人讚賞的演出。
This orchestra has strong players and keeps delivering creditable performances.
▍credible (adj) 可信可靠的 = believable
▶ 例 1:我問了 Jack 更多問題,但是他說得越多,他的說詞聽起來就越不可信。
I asked Jack more questions, but the more he talked, the less credible his account sounded.
▍credulous (adj) 輕易相信的 / 易受騙的 = gullible
▶ 例 1:人們認為只有輕易相信他人的人或貪心的人才會淪為詐騙的受害者。然而,真相是任何人都可能受騙。
People think that only the credulous and greedy fall victim to scams. However, the truth is that anyone can get scammed.
▍creditable (adj) 值得稱讚的 = praiseworthy
▶ 例 1:這個交響樂團的樂手實力堅強,持續有令人讚賞的演出。
This orchestra has strong players and keeps delivering creditable performances.