單字講座 85:diversion (n) / diversity (n)
很驚喜地,巴黎奧運將霹靂舞、滑板、攀岩、蹦床和衝浪等列為比賽項目。你知道還有哪些大眾眼中的「休閒娛樂」之後也可望登上奧運擂台嗎?據傳可能有電競、板球和西洋棋唷。話說「休閒娛樂」是 diversion 還是 diversity 呢?下方說分明。
▍diversion (n) 消遣娛樂 = recreation
▶ 例 1:我讀書讀累了。任何休閒娛樂,不管是看漫畫或是慢跑,只要能讓我遠離教科書都好。
I am tired from my studies. Any diversion, be it reading comic books or jogging, which takes me away from the textbooks is welcome.
▍diversity (n) 多元多樣性 = variety
▶ 例 1:棲息地的破壞常導致動植物的滅絕,因而引發生物多樣性的喪失。
Habitat destruction usually results in the extinction of animals and plants, and consequently, the loss of biological diversity.
▍diversion (n) 消遣娛樂 = recreation
▶ 例 1:我讀書讀累了。任何休閒娛樂,不管是看漫畫或是慢跑,只要能讓我遠離教科書都好。
I am tired from my studies. Any diversion, be it reading comic books or jogging, which takes me away from the textbooks is welcome.
▍diversity (n) 多元多樣性 = variety
▶ 例 1:棲息地的破壞常導致動植物的滅絕,因而引發生物多樣性的喪失。
Habitat destruction usually results in the extinction of animals and plants, and consequently, the loss of biological diversity.