單字講座 98:evolution (n) / revolution (n) / reform (n)
ChatGPT、Midjourney 等生成式AI揭開了第四次工業革命的序幕,應用層面廣及文書媒體、工業製造、研發及產品設計、藝術創作和醫藥等領域。雖然生成式 AI 帶來許多革新產業和提升人類生活的好機會,但是它也衍生出新形態的挑戰,包括隱私權、智慧財產權、網絡安全及產品責任等棘手問題。我們得趕緊尋出如何讓 AI 安全地為我們所用的解方。話說「革命」是 evolution、revolution 還是 reform 呢?下方說分明。
▍evolution (n) 演化演進
▶ 例 1:透過演化,物種隨著時間改變,變得更能適應他們的生活環境。
Through evolution, species adapt over time to become better suited to their living environments.
▍revolution (n) 革命
▶ 例 1:食物短缺和經濟危機引爆了革命。這場革命最終推翻了君主政體
Food shortages and economic crises led to the outbreak of the revolution, which eventually overthrew the monarchy.
▍reform (n) 改革
▶ 例 1:根據調查,超過百分之五十的台灣人對過去 30 年來的教育改革感到失望。
According to a survey, over 50 percent of Taiwanese are disappointed with the country’s education reform over the past three decades.
▍evolution (n) 演化演進
▶ 例 1:透過演化,物種隨著時間改變,變得更能適應他們的生活環境。
Through evolution, species adapt over time to become better suited to their living environments.
▍revolution (n) 革命
▶ 例 1:食物短缺和經濟危機引爆了革命。這場革命最終推翻了君主政體
Food shortages and economic crises led to the outbreak of the revolution, which eventually overthrew the monarchy.
▍reform (n) 改革
▶ 例 1:根據調查,超過百分之五十的台灣人對過去 30 年來的教育改革感到失望。
According to a survey, over 50 percent of Taiwanese are disappointed with the country’s education reform over the past three decades.