
單字講座 106:flea (n) / flee (v)

和毛孩共享居家環境已成為現代社會的常態,但是若沒有落實定期幫毛孩除跳蚤,恐讓蟲蟲危機一發不可收拾。獸醫師說,跳蚤從白堊紀就已存在於地球上,它們的繁殖力無敵,一生可誕下高達2,000顆蟲卵,因此若飼主在毛孩身上發現跳蚤蹤跡,家中極可能早已淪為跳蚤大本營。總歸一句,預防重於治療啊。話說「跳蚤」是 flea 還是 flee 呢?下方說分明。

▍flea (n) 跳蚤
▶ 例 1:她給她的狗兒吃顆除跳蚤的藥丸。這顆藥丸會讓狗兒的血對跳蚤有毒性。
She gave her dog a pill which would rid him of fleas by making its blood poisonous to them.

▍flee (v) 逃走;flee – fled – fled – fleeing
▶ 例 1:一撞見屋主,小偷馬上夾著尾巴逃走
Bumping into the house owner, the thief fled with his tail between his legs.
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