
115 學年大學考招三大變化

■ 115 學年大學考招三大變化

√ 學測英文篇章結構從「4 選 4」改為「5 選 4」
√ 台大醫學系申請入學「棄英文」改採「社會」
√ 申請入學近半數校系不採計數學

■ 為何 115 學測英文篇章結構要改為「5 選 4」呢?

大考中心表示,現有 4 選 4 的題型,若考生答對 2 題,第 3 題再答對的話,第 4 題毫無懸念也會對;反之,若第 3 題答錯,牽動第 4 題也會跟著錯,可見當選項數等於題目數時,無法準確辨別考生能力。改為 5 選 4 後,學生若錯 1 題,未必會連動錯 2 題,學生仍有得分機會,而這和以往指考 6 選 5 的命題原則不謀而合。

■ 大考中心公告的 115 學測英文篇章結構參考試題如下,供大家參考

四、篇章 結構(占 8 分)
說明:第 31 題至第 34 題為單選題,每題2分。

第 31 至 34 題為題組

Roller coasters have been known for their agonizingly slow starts, near heart-stopping drops and scream-inducing turns and loops. ____ 31 ___

The designers must first consider what kind of riders will use the coaster. If the coaster is designed for small children, the hills and curves will be gentle, and the car speed will be relatively slow. Families usually want a somewhat faster ride with plenty of turns and moderate force. Ultimate thrill seekers want extreme heights and speed.

___ 32 ___ Roller coasters usually take up a lot of room not only on the ground but also in the air. Designers must take into consideration surrounding rides, power lines, and other obstacles. Some amusement parks have added so many rides that a new roller coaster has to be designed to make its way through existing rides and walkways.

The next goal for the designers is to achieve a unique “feel” for the coaster. ___ 33 ___ Once up the incline, the first drop is usually designed to be the steepest, and therefore the fastest and scariest. Other drops can be designed with a brief flattened section in the middle, and are called double dips. Drops with very abrupt transitions to a flat or upturned section are called slammers because they slam the passengers down into their seats. Letting the cars run close to the ground, in what is called a gully coaster, gives the illusion of increased speed.

___ 34 ____ Only after its safety is assured can the design be used to build a new roller coaster.

(A) Designers must then consider the space available for the coaster.
(B) Building an exciting roller coaster starts with a brilliant design.
(C) Theme and type are also important aspects to consider in coaster design.
(D) Designers can draw on a number of techniques to provide a memorable ride.
(E) When the design is complete, detailed calculation and careful testing procedures will follow.

解答:B A D E

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