

文法講座 > 文法講座一:關係代名詞 > 基本的關係代名詞和六大使用原則

先行詞 主詞 受詞 所有格
who whom whose
事物 which which of which/ whose
人、事物 that that



(1) The bread which Mom bought yesterday is delicious.  (o)        
(2) The bread that Mom bought yesterday is delicious.  (o) 
(3) The bread Mom bought yesterday is delicious.  (o) 
因先行詞為 bread,連接兩句時需要「物受詞性質」的關係代名詞,故 that 和 which 皆可[ 見(1)和 (2) ]。又受詞性質的關係代名詞可省略,故省略關係代名詞也對[ 見(3) ]。

2. that 關係代名詞前不可有逗號,也不可放介係詞。

例句:我還沒見過 John 暗戀的那個女孩。  ( have a crush on N:暗戀…) 
(1) I haven’t met the girl that John has a crush on.  (o) 
(2) I haven’t met the girl whom John has a crush on.  (o)
(3) I haven’t met the girl John has a crush on.  (o)
(4) I haven’t met the girl on whom John has a crush.  (o)
(5) I haven’t met the girl on that John has a crush.  (x) 
(6) I haven’t met the girl on John has a crush.  (x) 
因先行詞為 the girl,介係詞 on 後方需搭配受詞,故連接兩句時需要「人受詞性質」的關係代名詞,that 和 which 皆可[ 見(1) 和 (2) ]。又受詞性質關係代名詞可省,故省略關係代名詞也對 [ 見 (3) ]。也可將介係詞放在關係代名詞前 [ 見 (4) ]。因 that 關係代名詞前不可有介係詞,故 (5) 是錯誤的句子。受詞性質的關係代名詞前有「介係詞」時,關係代名詞不可省略,故 (6) 是錯誤的句子。

3. that 關係代名詞不具所有格的性質。

(1) My parents live in the house whose roof is red.  (o) 
(2) My parents live in the house that roof is red.  (x) 
因先行詞為 the house。這裡的屋頂指的是「房子的」屋頂,故連接兩句時需要「物所有格性質」的關係代名詞 whose [ 見(1) ]。that 關係代名詞不具所有格性質,故(2)是錯誤的句子。

4. 先行詞包括人和物時,只能用 that 關係代名詞。

(1) An old man and his dog that were trapped in the burning house were saved.  (o) 
(2) An old man and his dog which were trapped in the burning house were saved.  (x) 
(3) An old man and his dog who were trapped in the burning house were saved.  (x) 
因先行詞為 an old man and his dog,有人也有物,故連接兩句時只能用既可代替人也可代替物的關係代名詞 that [ 見(1) ]。which 關係代名詞只能代替「物」the dog, 不能代替「人」an old man,故 (2) 是錯誤的句子。who 關係代名詞只能代替「人」an old man,不能代替「物」the dog,故 (3) 是錯誤的句子。

5. who 或 which 開頭的疑問句,句中關係代名詞必須用 that,才可避免和疑問詞 who/which 混淆。

(1) Who is the woman that just called?  (o) 
(2) Who is the woman who just called?  (x) 
因先行詞為 the woman,故連接兩句時需用「人主詞性質」的關係代名詞,前有疑問詞 who,為避免混淆,不可用關係代名詞 who,(2) 為錯誤的句子,必須用關係代名詞 that [見(1) ]。

6. 先行詞前有「最高級」、「序數」、the only、the very、the same 時,只能用 that 關係代名詞。

(1) This is the best movie that I have ever seen.  (o)
(2) This is the best movie which I have ever seen.  (x)
因先行詞為 the best movie,當中包含最高級 the best,所以只能用關係代名詞 that [ 見(1) ],不能用關係代名詞 which,(2) 是錯誤的句子。

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