《 沉默的食物 》
字彙 Flashcards :使用說明 |
prominence (n) 名聲 |
sponge-like (adj) 像海綿般的 |
To the cattle industry, feed expenditures remain the single largest cost. While dairy producers can use corn or soybeans as protein feed supplements, poultry waste and slaughterhouse by-products are way __ 6 __ cheaper. Not surprisingly, most newborn calves, separated from their mothers immediately after birth, are fed milk replacer, which mainly contains spray-dried cattle blood as a cheap source of protein. Besides, as few as one thousand chickens can make tons of feces enough to feed a growing calf year-round. According to taste panels, the blood-based milk and manure don’t seem to __ 7 __ the taste of subsequent meat; beef from steers fed bird dropping ___ 8 __ in fact more juicy and tender. Though dairy farmers argue the manure’s feed value and environmental attributes, the practice simply can’t stand up to scientific _ 9 _ .
The latest discovery of mad cow disease in a California dairy farm this April was a stroke of __ 10 __ . Nearly 34 million cattle are slaughtered every year in the US. Of those, only 40,000 are tested for BSE. That’s about one in every thousand animals. If we tested 80,000, would we find two? Let’s hope this new case will invigorate consumer campaigns to close the loopholes in feed regulations.
A. affect | B. is | C. exclusion | D. transmitted | E. scrutiny |
F. blamed | G. whose | H. luck | I. harbor | J. much |
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Mad cow disease, or BSE, first rose to global prominence in the 1990s with an explosive outbreak in the UK. The epidemic was transmitted when livestock routinely were fed protein supplements inclusive of contaminated cow spinal columns, brain tissues and intestines, which harbor the highest concentrations of infectious agents. Since then, the World Health Organization has called for the exclusion of the riskiest bovine tissues from food supply and all animal feed. However, in the US, high-tech cannibalism — the use of performance-enhancing dairy feed whose protein comes from slaughterhouse waste, blood and manure to feed farm animals — still prevails. This common practice has forced natural herbivores like cows to be carnivores and cannibals. In this way, BSE-inducing prions — the infectious protein that causes brain cells to die and form sponge-like holes in the brain — may complete the circuit blamed for the spread of the fatal, incurable disease.
To the cattle industry, feed expenditures remain the single largest cost. While dairy producers can use corn or soybeans as protein feed supplements, poultry waste and slaughterhouse by-products are way much cheaper. Not surprisingly, most newborn calves, separated from their mothers immediately after birth, are fed milk replacer, which mainly contains spray-dried cattle blood as a cheap source of protein. Besides, as few as one thousand chickens can make tons of feces enough to feed a growing calf year-round. According to taste panels, the blood-based milk and manure don’t seem to affect the taste of subsequent meat; beef from steers fed bird dropping is in fact more juicy and tender. Though dairy farmers argue the manure’s feed value and environmental attributes, the practice simply can’t stand up to scientific scrutiny.
The latest discovery of mad cow disease in a California dairy farm this April was a stroke of luck. Nearly 34 million cattle are slaughtered every year in the US. Of those, only 40,000 are tested for BSE. That’s about one in every thousand animals. If we tested 80,000, would we find two? Let’s hope this new incident will invigorate consumer campaigns to close the loopholes in feed regulations.
Q: What can’t the reader infer from this article?
A. Mad cow disease is most commonly spread in herds through contaminated feed.
B. Humans can contract BSE by eating brain or spinal tissues from infected cattle.
C. As long as the infected cow doesn’t enter the human food chain, all beef and dairy supplies are safe.
D. Many cattle are fattened on rations that include manure and rendered slaughterhouse waste.
建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。
1. D | 2. I | 3. C | 4. G | 5. F |
6. J | 7. A | 8. B | 9. E | 10. H |
1. | 從文意可知,有了「汙染」( contaminated) 源,「傳染病」( epidemic ) 易「傳播擴散」( transmitted )。 |
2. | 關代 which 代替前面說過的名詞,句型結構分析如下: Contaminated cow spinal columns, brain tissues and intestines 2 the … [主詞] [動詞] 從文意可知,腦和脊髓這些部位「儲藏」( harbor) 最多感染源。 |
3. | 介係詞 of 左右兩側都應搭配「名詞」,故第3格為「名詞」。從文意可知,最危險 ( the riskiest ) 的因素應趕緊「排除」( exclusion )。 |
4. | 從結構可知,「飼料的」蛋白質來自於屠宰場的廢棄物,第4格應填「物所有格」性質的關代 whose 才可連接句子 。 |
5. | 名詞 circuit 後應搭配第5格「形容詞」。從文意可知,狂牛症的「傳播」( spread )該「怪」這個惡性迴圈。因「迴圈」不會主動執行「責怪」( blame ) 這動作,故應用「過去分詞」當形容詞。 |
6. | 加強比較級「….多了」,可在比較級前加上 much/ a lot/ far/ even。 |
7. | 本題考點為「不定詞」to + 動詞原形,故第7格為「動詞原形」。從倒數第二行「吃雞糞長大的牛隻肉質多汁」可知 雞糞當飼料沒「影響」( affect ) 肉的味道。 |
8. | 句型結構分析如下: beef from steers fed bird dropping 8 in fact more juicy and tender. [主詞] [修飾 beef 的形容詞] [動詞] 主詞 beef 為「不可數名詞」,視為「單數」,應搭配第8格「單數動詞」。「主詞和動詞一致」的相關概念解說請見 大學堂文法講座 14 。 |
9. | 「形容詞」scientific 後方需搭配「名詞」,故第9格為「名詞」。從文意可知,這種飼養法禁不起科學「檢驗」( scrutiny )。 |
10. | 介係詞 of 後方應搭配「名詞」,故第 10 格為「名詞」。從文意可知,在牛隻進入食物供給鏈前檢出狂牛症,實屬「幸運」( luck )。 |
1990 年間,英國首度爆發狂牛症 (又稱BSE) 疫情,疫情嚴重備受全球關注。當牲畜常吃由被污染的牛脊柱,腦組織和腸子所製成的蛋白質營養劑時,因為這些部位的傳染物質濃度最高,狂牛症也隨之傳播開來。從那時起,世界衛生組織已呼籲將危險的牛組織從糧食供給和所有動物飼料中排除。然而,在美國,高科技同類互食 — 使用促進生長的乳牛飼料 (飼料中的蛋白質來自屠宰廠廢棄物、血液和糞便) 來餵養農場動物 — 仍然盛行。這種常見的做法迫使像牛這種天生草食性的動物變成了肉食性和同類相殘的動物。如此一來,引發狂牛症的 prion,一種導致腦细胞死亡並在腦內形成海绵狀孔洞的傳染性蛋白質,便可完成致命且無藥可醫的狂牛症散播迴圈。
A. 狂牛症最常透過被汙染的飼料在獸群中傳播擴散。
B. 人類可能因食用感染狂牛症的牛隻腦脊隨組織而罹病。
C. 只要感染狂牛症的牛隻未進入人類食物鏈,所有牛肉和乳製品將無安全上的疑慮。
D. 許多牛隻靠吃內含糞便和熬煮過的屠宰場廢棄物製成的口糧增胖。
《異常蛋白質 prion 小檔案》
- 1. prion 不是細菌,不是病毒,也不是寄生蟲,而是種可讓腦部變成像海綿般空洞化的異常蛋白質。
- 2. prion 存在發病的牛腦、骨髓、內臟等部位,屠宰時若沒用空氣槍把這些部位吸乾淨,牛肉也容易因被污染而帶毒,其中絞肉、內臟更是高風險物質,帶骨牛肉也不保險。 以牛肉漢堡為例,牛絞肉是重要原料,但牛絞肉是所有部位剩餘的肉末大集結,可能混有帶毒的骨髓、淋巴、神經組織。
- 3. prion 被埋在土壤中三年還有活性,要用攝氏一千度高溫,連續燒三十分鐘才能殺死。動物若吃下被狂牛病感染的飼料,即染上「狂牛症」;而人若吃下受狂牛症感染的牛肉,即染上「庫賈氏症」(人類的狂牛症)。
- 4. prion 在人體的潛伏期長達5~ 20年。不知情的受感染者,腦組織會被異常蛋白一點一點的啃噬,變成像海綿一樣而不自覺。發病初期出現憂鬱、焦慮、及幻覺等精神疾病的症狀,慢慢地出現走路不穩、行動困難、肢體無法自主,最終智力衰退,在發病後一年內快速死亡。許多患者常被誤判成阿茲海默症。