


《 如何做好簡報 》

  • 精選多益 / 全民英檢中高級 / 托福單字片語
universal (adj) 一般的;普遍的
despise (v) 鄙視;看不起
in particular:尤其
ruin (v) 破壞
otherwise (adv) 除此以外;不然
pleasant (adj) 愉快的
deadly (adj) 致命的
sin (n) 罪;過錯
watch for N:小心注意
ritualistic (adj) 儀式的;慣例的
instead of N:而不是…
necessary (n) 必需品 (adj) 必要的
routine (adj) 日常例行的
(n) 例行公事
lack (v) 缺乏
focus (n) 重點
agenda (n) 議程
end up Ving :結果變成…
attendee (n) 與會者
eventually (adj) 最終
flip (v) 輕拍
switch (n) 開關
defined (adj) 清晰的 = clear (adj)
concrete (adj) 具體明確的
schedule (v) 安排
escape (v) 逃離
relief (n) 減輕;輕鬆
rigid (adj) 嚴格的;死板的
tune out:恍神
monotone (adj) 單調的
lecturer (n) 演講者
restless (adj) 坐立難安的
kick off N:開始
inject (v) 注入
humor (n) 幽默
generate (v) 產生
enthusiasm (n) 熱情
engage (v) 吸引;參加
rule of thumb:經驗法則
harp (v) 嘮叨
setback (n) 失敗
up to par:達到平常的高水準
morale (n) 士氣
stress N out:使…壓力過大
inspire (v) 啟發
strategy (n) 策略
collective (adj) 集體的
stimulate (v) 刺激
productive (adj) 多產的;有成效的

Meetings are the most universal — and universally despised — part of business life. Bad meetings, in particular, do more than ruin an otherwise   __ 01__    day. The following are three deadly sins to  __  02__    for in business meetings.

■ Meetings that are ritualistic instead of necessary
For many businesses, routine meetings that lack focus and clear agendas often end up wasting time and boring people. Attendees eventually flip an “off” switch in their brains. Therefore, do not hold a meeting  __  03  __  you have a defined agenda and concrete next steps. Also, try scheduling the meetings in the afternoon when escaping the cubic can be a welcome   __ 04 __  .

■ Meetings that are too rigid and a one-way conversation
People often tune out monotone lecturers and become   __ 05__   , watching the clock and hoping to kick off their weekend. In the age of YouTube, there’s simply no reason to not inject a bit of  __  06 __   in a meeting to gain attention, generate enthusiasm and engage the attendees. If you show PowerPoint slides, remember that the general rule of thumb is no more than one slide a minute, one idea per slide and as few words as possible.

■ Meetings that harp on setbacks
If a boss spends 95 percent of each meeting   __ 07  __  at workers and demanding them to explain why their performances aren’t up to par, he is likely to hurt   __ 08__    and stress his employees out rather than inspire them. Why not use the past as a platform for understanding and planning future strategies? The collective brain power should be wisely used to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

A. relief B. pleasant C. humor D. unless  
E. watch F. yelling G. restless H. morale  

Meetings are the most universal — and universally despised — part of business life. Bad meetings, in particular, do more than ruin an otherwise pleasant day. The following are three deadly sins to watch for in business meetings.

■ Meetings that are ritualistic instead of necessary
For many businesses, routine meetings that lack focus and clear agendas often end up wasting time and boring people. Attendees eventually flip an “off” switch in their brains. Therefore, do not hold a meeting unless you have a defined agenda and concrete next steps. Also, try scheduling the meetings in the afternoon when escaping the cubic can be a welcome relief.

■ Meetings that are too rigid and a one-way conversation
People often tune out monotone lecturers and become restless, watching the clock and hoping to kick off their weekend. In the age of YouTube, there’s simply no reason to not inject a bit of humor in a meeting to gain attention, generate enthusiasm and engage the attendees. If you show PowerPoint slides, remember that the general rule of thumb is no more than one slide a minute, one idea per slide and as few words as possible.

■ Meetings that harp on setbacks
If a boss spends 95 percent of each meeting yelling at workers and demanding them to explain why their performances aren’t up to par, he is likely to hurt morale and stress his employees out rather than inspire them. Why not use the past as a platform for understanding and planning future strategies? The collective brain power should be wisely used to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Q : With which statement may the author disagree?

A. Without clear goals and structured agendas, meetings become useless rituals.
B. Having one person lecture does little to stimulate discussion and fresh ideas.
C. Employees are more creative and productive in the afternoon hours.
D. Breaking up a meeting with music, a video or great stories energizes the session.

建議做完聽力和閱讀後, 打開播放器, 跟著一起朗讀文章, 熟悉發音和語調。

1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A
5. G 6. C 7. F 8. H

1. 第 1 格在名詞 day 之前,應為形容詞。從文意可知,糟糕的會議毀了「愉快的」(pleasant) 一天。
2. 第 2 格考點為「不定詞」to 動詞原形。 從文意可知應「注意」致命的失誤。片語「注意」:watch for N。
3. 句型結構分析如下:
do not hold a meeting    03    you    have a defined agenda …
[祈使句]           [連接詞]  [主詞]  [動詞]
連接兩個句子需用「連接詞」。從文意看來,「除非」有明確議題,否則不應召開會議。unless 的詳細用法請見 大學堂文法講座 9
4. 從冠詞 a 可知第 4 格為單數名詞。「逃離辦公隔間」( escaping the cubic) 傳達出「鬆了一口氣」(relief),獲得解脫的感覺。
5. 連綴動詞 become 後方需搭配「形容詞」。從第6格後方,聽眾們頻頻看時鐘可知他們已變得「坐立難安」(restless)。
6. 介係詞 of 後方應搭配「名詞」。「幽默」(humor) 才能吸引注意力 (gain attention),讓與會者投入 (engage the attendees)。
7. 本題考點為 spend + Ving。
8. 從第 8 格前方,老闆「大吼大叫」(yelling) 及要求員工解釋為何表現不佳可推知:這種模式只會傷員工「士氣」(morale)。


■ 不必要的例行性會議

■ 單向談話的死板會議

■ 一直叨唸著員工過失的會議

A. 少了明確目標和井井有條的議程,會議將變成無用的儀式。
B. 一人演講很難引發討論,催生新點子。
C. 員工們在下午時段較有創造力和生產力。
D. 用音樂、影片或很棒的故事為開會暖場可活絡會議氣氛。

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