therefore、yet、moreover 和 otherwise 等可承接文意的副詞的使用方式如下:
副詞 otherwise 的意思有兩種:
A. My apartment doesn't allow pets; otherwise, I would have kept a Schnauzer.
B. I understand everything Tom has said; otherwise, I’m totally against his proposal.
C. James excels in English; otherwise, it is by no means his favorite subject.
D. Don’t shut down the computer, otherwise you are told to do so.
A 選項,我的公寓不允許養寵物,否則我早養隻雪納瑞了。
這裡的 otherwise 有「假如不是…」( if not ) 的意思,即「假如我的公寓不要不允許…」。
B 選項,我了解湯姆的話,_____ 我堅決反對他的提案。
第一句「了解」和第二句「反對」文意相反,應用副詞「雖然、但是、然而」yet /
however 或連接詞 though / although / while / but來承接。句子正確寫法為:
I understand everything Tom has said; however, I’m totally against his proposal. 或
I understand everything Tom has said. Yet, I am totally against his proposal. 或
Although I understand everything Tom has said, I am totally against his proposal. 或
I understand everything Tom has said, but I am totally against his proposal.
C 選項,James 擅長英文,_____ 英文絕不是他最喜歡的科目。
yet / however 或連接詞 though / although / while / but來承接。句子正確寫法為:
James excels in English; however, it is by no means his favorite subject. 或
James excels in English, but it's by no means his favorite subject.
D 選項,不要將電腦關機,_____ 有人叫你這麼做。
otherwise 是「副詞」,不是連接詞,因此無法連接兩個句子,且與文意不合。從前後語意可推知,「除非」有人叫你關機,不然不要關。連接這兩個句子可用連接詞「除非」unless,句子正確寫法為:
Don’t shut down the computer unless you are told to do so.

- otherwise 意指「否則;不然;若不是…」,意思接近 “if not”, 用於點出不好的後果。請看下方第一個例句,並比較「副詞否則」otherwise 和「連接詞否則」or 的用法。
- otherwise 意指 「除此以外」,意思接近 “ apart from this/ that”,用於點出與前方敘述「相反」的面向。
The bike-rental service must be convenient ; otherwise, people won’t use it.例句:因為浪濤洶湧,我們一整個禮拜都沒法游泳。除此以外,我們在峇里島玩得很開心。
The bike-rental service must be convenient . Otherwise, people won’t use it.
The bike-rental service must be convenient , or people won’t use it.
The bike-rental service must be convenient . If it isn't, people won’t use it.
The sea was very rough and we couldn't swim all week. Otherwise, we had a good time in Bali.請選出正確句子:
The sea was very rough and we couldn't swim all week. Apart from this, we had a good time in Bali.
A. My apartment doesn't allow pets; otherwise, I would have kept a Schnauzer.
B. I understand everything Tom has said; otherwise, I’m totally against his proposal.
C. James excels in English; otherwise, it is by no means his favorite subject.
D. Don’t shut down the computer, otherwise you are told to do so.
A 選項,我的公寓不允許養寵物,否則我早養隻雪納瑞了。
這裡的 otherwise 有「假如不是…」( if not ) 的意思,即「假如我的公寓不要不允許…」。
B 選項,我了解湯姆的話,_____ 我堅決反對他的提案。
第一句「了解」和第二句「反對」文意相反,應用副詞「雖然、但是、然而」yet /
however 或連接詞 though / although / while / but來承接。句子正確寫法為:
I understand everything Tom has said; however, I’m totally against his proposal. 或
I understand everything Tom has said. Yet, I am totally against his proposal. 或
Although I understand everything Tom has said, I am totally against his proposal. 或
I understand everything Tom has said, but I am totally against his proposal.
C 選項,James 擅長英文,_____ 英文絕不是他最喜歡的科目。
yet / however 或連接詞 though / although / while / but來承接。句子正確寫法為:
James excels in English; however, it is by no means his favorite subject. 或
James excels in English, but it's by no means his favorite subject.
D 選項,不要將電腦關機,_____ 有人叫你這麼做。
otherwise 是「副詞」,不是連接詞,因此無法連接兩個句子,且與文意不合。從前後語意可推知,「除非」有人叫你關機,不然不要關。連接這兩個句子可用連接詞「除非」unless,句子正確寫法為:
Don’t shut down the computer unless you are told to do so.