單字講座 03:ambiguous (adj) / blurry (adj) / obscure (v)(adj)
▌ ambiguous (adj) 模糊不清的 = unclear / vague
ambiguous 多用在「抽象事物」上,表達如:文(語)意、態度、狀況的模糊不清。
▶ 例 1:這說明書是如此地語意不清,以至於我根本不知道該如何組裝這玩具。
The instructions are so ambiguous that I can’t figure out how to assemble the toy.
▶ 例 2:該是這個總統候選人釐清他模糊的兩岸立場的時候了。
It is time for this presidential candidate to clarify his ambiguous stance on the cross-strait relations.
▌ blurry (adj) 模糊不清的 = indistinct / hazy
▶ 例 1:他的視力惡化後,每樣東西都變得亮且模糊不清,就像新生兒眼中的世界一般。
As his vision deteriorated, everything felt bright and blurry, like how a newborn saw the world.
▶ 例 2:濕掉的那封信裡的字太模糊了,我無法讀。
The words in the wet letter was too blurry for me to read.
紙濕掉了,上面的字是blurry(形體模糊不清),非ambiguous (文意不清)喔。
▌ obscure (adj) (v)
(1) (adj) 模糊不清的:vague and hard to see
(2) (adj) 晦澀難懂的:unclear and hard to understand
(3) (v) 遮蔽使模糊不清
▶ 例 1:當我開在鄉間小路上時,霧湧入,眼前景色籠罩在薄霧中。很快地,我的視野變得模糊。
As I drove along the country road, the fog rolled in and gently bathed the landscape in mist. Before long, my view became obscure.
▶ 例 2:你應將大多數時間花在你知道會考的主題上,而不是分心,花數小時試圖理解某個或許和你考試成敗無關的、深奧難解的概念上。
You should spend most of your time on the topics you know will be on the test instead of sidetracking for hours trying to understand some rather obscure concept that probably has little to do with your success or failure on the test.
▶ 例 3:香港法院推翻禁止示威抗議者戴口罩遮蔽臉部的政府緊急令。
A Hong Kong court overturned a government emergency ban on protesters wearing masks to obscure their faces.
▶ 例 4:缺乏檢測使疫情的真正狀況渾沌不明。
Lack of testing obscured the true extent of the outbreak.
ambiguous 多用在「抽象事物」上,表達如:文(語)意、態度、狀況的模糊不清。
▶ 例 1:這說明書是如此地語意不清,以至於我根本不知道該如何組裝這玩具。
The instructions are so ambiguous that I can’t figure out how to assemble the toy.
▶ 例 2:該是這個總統候選人釐清他模糊的兩岸立場的時候了。
It is time for this presidential candidate to clarify his ambiguous stance on the cross-strait relations.
▌ blurry (adj) 模糊不清的 = indistinct / hazy
▶ 例 1:他的視力惡化後,每樣東西都變得亮且模糊不清,就像新生兒眼中的世界一般。
As his vision deteriorated, everything felt bright and blurry, like how a newborn saw the world.
▶ 例 2:濕掉的那封信裡的字太模糊了,我無法讀。
The words in the wet letter was too blurry for me to read.
紙濕掉了,上面的字是blurry(形體模糊不清),非ambiguous (文意不清)喔。
▌ obscure (adj) (v)
(1) (adj) 模糊不清的:vague and hard to see
(2) (adj) 晦澀難懂的:unclear and hard to understand
(3) (v) 遮蔽使模糊不清
▶ 例 1:當我開在鄉間小路上時,霧湧入,眼前景色籠罩在薄霧中。很快地,我的視野變得模糊。
As I drove along the country road, the fog rolled in and gently bathed the landscape in mist. Before long, my view became obscure.
▶ 例 2:你應將大多數時間花在你知道會考的主題上,而不是分心,花數小時試圖理解某個或許和你考試成敗無關的、深奧難解的概念上。
You should spend most of your time on the topics you know will be on the test instead of sidetracking for hours trying to understand some rather obscure concept that probably has little to do with your success or failure on the test.
▶ 例 3:香港法院推翻禁止示威抗議者戴口罩遮蔽臉部的政府緊急令。
A Hong Kong court overturned a government emergency ban on protesters wearing masks to obscure their faces.
▶ 例 4:缺乏檢測使疫情的真正狀況渾沌不明。
Lack of testing obscured the true extent of the outbreak.