單字講座 20:antidote (n) / anecdote (n) / antibiotic (n) / antibody (n)
教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊
antidote to N:N的解毒劑或妙方
▶ 例 1:在學校,Eva奮力追求學業卓越,因為她將教育視為解決家中貧困的唯一妙方。
Eva strove for academic excellence at school, because she saw education as the only antidote to her family’s poverty.
▍anecdote (n) 趣聞軼事
▶ 例 1:和老朋友聚會時,我告訴他們一些新學校的趣聞軼事。
While hanging out with my old friends, I told them some amusing anecdotes about my new school.
▍ antibody (n) 抗體
▶ 例 1:接種新冠肺炎疫苗後,人體需約2星期才能產生抗體。
It takes around two weeks for the body to generate antibodies after COVID-19 vaccination.
▍ antibiotic (n) 抗生素
▶ 例 1:她在那週裏試過兩種抗生素,但她的感染還是不見好轉。
She tried two antibiotics over the course of the week, but the infection didn’t respond.
結論:繞口令般的這4個字:antidote / anecdote / antibody / antibiotic,字義大不同唷。