
111 後醫 / 後中 英文作文猜題

新冠肺炎疫情對醫療健康照護體系造成了不少衝擊,但也觸發了許多可將危機化為轉機的新思維。後醫 / 後中考試在即,大學堂英文團隊也來助大家一臂之力,擬了5道結合疫情和時事新聞的英文作文題目,幫大家做做頭腦暖身操!

▌TOPIC 1:從「lessons learned from COVID-19」發想
What are some challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sectors amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

▌ TOPIC 2:從「By 2025, Taiwan is expected to move from an “aged” nation to a “super-aged” nation」發想
When it comes to the impacts of an aging population on the healthcare system, we seem to be “blaming” older adults for causing inefficiencies when perhaps, it is a lack of planning. How can we build a system that is more responsive to the needs of a fast- aging population?

▌ TOPIC 3:從「醫師科學家」發想
Do you think we need more doctors who are scientists? Why or why not?

▌ TOPIC 4:從「新冠疫情期間層出不窮的醫病糾紛」發想
What liability protections should health care professionals be entitled to during emergencies such as COVID-19?

▌ TOPIC 5:從影集「良醫墨非」(The Good Doctor) 發想
What makes a good doctor and how do you make one?

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