安樂死 - 學員的滿分英文作文(學士後中醫)
上周五,大學堂英文教學團隊迎來一個令人極其振奮的好消息。班上報考慈濟大學後中醫學系的學員,英文作文拿到了20 分,滿分的好成績,有圖為證呵。在此特地商請同學分享他的美文啦 😊。

題目:(慈濟大學學士後中醫 英文試卷)
V. Composition: 20 分
Laws in most places prohibit terminally ill patients from choosing death and physicians from assisting them. Do you agree or disagree with it. Please write an essay around 200-250 words to explain your point of view and your arguments concerning this topic.
The issues of euthanasia have drawn wide media coverage and public attention since the famous sports commentator Fu Da-jen wrote a letter to President Tsai calling for the government to legalize mercy killing. He even offered himself as the first case. His main argument centered on medical autonomy and human dignity. He maintained, “We constantly make choices in life, from something as trivial as what to eat for breakfast to that as big as when to start a family. Therefore, it seems rather strange to me if terminally ill patients are denied the right to determine the timing and manner of their own death as life’s end approaches.”
The main argument against physician-assisted suicide, however, is the fear that it will be administered to less fully competent patients. Studies show that the overwhelming financial and psychological burdens often drive terminally ill patients to choose euthanasia over a broad array of end-of-life therapies. Patients who rely on their family members to provide daily cares may feel indirectly pressured to end their lives earlier than their natural courses. In this regard, a seemingly personal choice is in fact made under the influence of a combination of external factors.
Furthermore, the vague attitude of the public about autonomy is apparent in several “mercy killing" cases. This year, a father killed his one-year old baby girl, who was born with cerebral palsy. He claimed he did this out of a desire to end her anguish. He couldn’t bear to see her trapped in her disability for life. The judge took his words, showed mercy on him and sentenced him leniently. Yet, I find this ironic since the baby girl is apparently too little to voice opinions for herself.
I think the public’s attitude toward the rights to die is swayed by various factors, from the patient’s health condition to complicated social and legal concerns. The paramount principle of patient autonomy doesn’t always come first when it comes to euthanasia. Sometimes, the mixed feelings of empathy with caregivers and devaluation of the lives of the disabled come into play. Therefore, I think before legalizing euthanasia, we should first establish a better long-term care and palliative care systems which allow individuals to approach the inevitable end of their life with dignity.