109 指考英文(非選 / 翻譯/作文):大學堂英文參考答案

▌ 109 指考英文作文題
▌ 大學堂英文範文
Campus security and safety has long been a top priority for schools nationwide. While schools of all levels are devoted to protecting and maintaining the wellbeing of their students and faculty, they are now facing a great variety of intimidating challenges, from deadly pandemics to violent crimes. Inherently, schools may not only act as breeding grounds for contagious diseases such as colds and measles but foster their rapid transmission due to close contacts among large numbers of people, some of whom may not have developed immunity. Besides, in recent years, school districts have witnessed an increase in brutal offenses, including crimes of passion, sexual assaults and random killings. Take, for example, the murder of a four-year-old that sent shock waves through the whole society. It was reported that on the sidewalk outside an elementary school, the toddler, nicknamed Little Lightbulb, was snatched from her bike by a knife-wielding man and beheaded in full view of her mom in broad daylight. I dare not imagine what might have happened if the murderer had broken into the school. Tragedies like this outrage the public and sound the alarm on campus safety issues.
To keep schools safe, I would like to propose the following suggestions. Firstly, knowledge is power. Understanding the ways different communicable diseases spread allows us to take effective precautions. This rings true amid the recent COVID-19 crisis. Knowing that novel coronavirus is mainly transmitted between people through respiratory droplets, we responded promptly and implemented strict guidelines such as temperature taking, mask wearing, hand washing, eating in isolation and social distancing. And our efforts bring great results: Our school is still in session, providing quality learning, during the outbreak. As to preventing incidents of all kinds, be it thefts, bullying, vandalism or harassment, we can increase patrols as well as install surveillance cameras, card access systems, and electric fences to deter potential crimes. Also, holding Safety Week is a viable way to raise fellow students’ awareness of risks, promote safety tips, and cultivate a culture of shared responsibility and vigilance. Most importantly, to safeguard our campus, we are currently working on an GPS-enabled safety app that integrates emergency contacts, security escorts, an alarm, alerts and a forum to exchange intelligence into one slick, easy-to-use interface. Being able to act before a crisis can escalate is always better. And I am confident that the above-mentioned measures can help ease campus safety concerns.
109 指考英文科 題目
▌ 翻譯
1. 早期的博物館只開放給中上階層,且參觀者必須事先申請進入許可。
In early times, museums were only open to the upper-middle class and visitors had to apply for admission permits in advance.
* 註:
(1) permit (n) 許可證;片語 in advance 可換成 beforehand (adv) 事先
(2) admission permits = entry permits = entry passes
In old times / In the old days, museums were open only to the middle and upper classes and visitors had to apply for permission to enter the museums in advance. ( = advance permission to enter the museums)
* 註:permission (n) (不可數) 許可 / (可數) 許可證;advance (adj) 事先的 / 預先的
2. 現今多數人可以親自或透過線上導覽,享受探索文化珍寶的樂趣。
Nowadays, most of the people can visit the museums in person or take virtual museum tours to enjoy the pleasure of exploring (the) cultural treasures.
Now, most people can visit the museums in person or on online tours and enjoy the delight of exploring (the) cultural treasures.
Today, most people can enjoy the joy of exploring (the) cultural treasure by visiting the museums in person or joining the online (museum) tours. (或 or on the online museum tours/ on a guided online tour);guided 寫不寫沒太大關係。
* 註:
(1) to enjoy … 可寫成分詞構句 ( , enjoying… ) 或用連接詞 ( and enjoy… )
(2) treasure 既是可數也是不可數名詞,所以加不加 s 都對。
(3) now / nowadays / today 可放在most (of the) people後,即:Most people nowadays … 也對。