112 學測英文:大學堂英文 時事單字猜題
■ TOPIC 1:goblin mode 哥布林模式(類躺平)
goblin (n) In fairy stories, a goblin is a small, ugly creature which usually enjoys causing trouble ; mode (n) 模式; go/enter goblin mode = embrace sb’s inner goblin <-> drag oneself out of goblin mode to V原; term (n) 詞彙 / 任期 / 學期 (v) 把…稱為叫做; coin (v) 創造(新詞彙); refer to A as B:把A稱作B ; announce (n) 宣布 ; indulge in N:沉溺放縱於… ; greedy (adj) 貪心的 ; sloppy (adj) lazy / 潦草的 / 邋遢不修邊幅的(unkempt); be in goblin mode 躺平中; typical (adj) 典型的; turn down / reject / refuse / decline (v) 拒絕; social norm 社會標準;expectation (n) 期待; go viral 走紅; fictional (adj) 虛構的 / 捏造的; scandal (n) 醜聞; prompt (v) 激起促使 (adj) 立即迅速的; vote for N:投票給N; single out N:挑選出N; divide (v) 分裂分隔; engage in N = be involved in N = participate in N = take part in N 參加; catch sb by surprise 讓某人嚇了一跳; occasional (adj) 有時偶爾; experience N = go through N 經歷體驗; highlight (n) 高潮亮點 (v) 強調; vocabulary (n) 字彙; process (n) 過程 (v) 處理; resonate with sb = strike a chord with sb:引發某人的共鳴; relate to sb = identify with sb 和…有同感; overwhelm (v) 壓垮壓倒; relief (n) 鬆了一口氣 / 救援物資; acknowledge (v) 承認 / 感謝; recognize (v) 認出來 / 認同認可; echo (n) 迴響 / 附和 (v) 發出迴響; phenomenon (n) 現象 / 轟動的人事物; doctor / forge / make up 捏造假造; wild (adj) 狂野的; weird / odd / peculiar (adj) 古怪的; insane (adj) 瘋狂的 / 十分愚蠢的; affix A to B:將A貼到B上; hoard (v) 囤積; confession (n) 自白 / 告白; curate / exhibit / display (v) 公開展覽; sth / sb stand out (v) 某人 / 某物突出出色; trend / fad / craze (n) 風潮; make the best of N 充分使用…; assume (v) 假設假定 / 承擔; (時間 / 事情) wear on:慢慢地過去; chaos (n) 混亂; chaotic (adj) 混亂的; deteriorate (v) 惡化; take off 脫掉 / 起飛 / 慢慢成功; elaborate (v) 詳細說明 (adj) 精緻而複雜的; strength (n) 力量 / 強項優點; shift (v) (n) 轉變
■ TOPIC 2:gaslighting 煤氣燈效應(情緒操控)
derive from N = stem from N = originate from N:源自於/來自於;emerge (v) 出現;psychological (adj) mental 心理的;manipulate (v) 操控;mislead / misdirect (v) 誤導;twist / distort (v) 扭曲;escalate (v) 加劇 / 使惡化;counter (v) 反駁;contradict (v) 矛盾 / 反駁;deny (v) 拒絕(承認);deceive / trick (v) 欺騙; deceptive (adj) 欺騙的;exaggerate (v) 誇大;criticize (v) 批評;isolate (v) 孤立隔離;withhold (v) 拒絕給予 / 扣留;doubt (v)(n)懷疑;convince sb of sth:說服某人某事;trivial (adj) 瑣碎不重要的;cruel (adj) 殘酷的;tactic / strategy (n) 策略;technique (n) 技術;小 constitute 大:(小)組成(大);persistent (adj) 持續的 / 有毅力的;undermine (v) 削弱;erode (v) 侵蝕;judgment (n) 判斷力;insane (adj) 精神失常的;unstable (adj) 不穩定的;irrational (adj) 不理性的;credible (adj) 可信的;abuse (v)(n) 虐待 / 濫用 / 辱罵;take advantage of N = exploit N:利用…;victim (n) 受害者;fall prey/victim to N:淪為…的受害者;stereotype (n) 刻板印象;illusion (n) 幻覺;sensitive (adj) 敏感的;vulnerable / susceptible (adj) 脆弱的;be characteristic of N:典型的N;deliberate (v) contemplate / ponder 深思熟慮 (adj) intentional 故意地;provoke / induce (v) 引發;devastating / destructive (adj) 具有毀滅性的;consequence (n) 後果;depression (n) 憂鬱症;commit suicide 自殺;disorient (v) 迷失方向 / 困惑;low self-esteem (n) 低自尊;trauma (n) 創傷;be cautious about N = be wary of N:對N小心謹慎
■ TOPIC 3:inflation 通貨膨脹
outlook / prospect (n) 前景未來;complex / complicated (adj) 複雜的;stubborn (adj) 頑固的;inflation (n) 通貨膨脹;figure (n) 數字 / 人物角色 / 身材;accelerate (v) 加速;reach(或 hit) a 40-year high 達到40年新高;peak (n) 頂峰 / 山頂; soar / hike (v) 激增 = elevate / increase steeply / rise sharply;currency (n) 貨幣;purchasing power 購買力;plunge / plummet / tumble (v) 暴跌;decline (v) 下降 / 拒絕;reduce / diminish (v) 減少;linger (v) 徘徊不走;hover (v) 盤旋;illustrate (v) 解釋;factor (n) 因素 – the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病) + broken supply chain (供應鏈斷鏈) + the war in Ukraine (烏克蘭戰爭);invade (v) 入侵;invasion (n) 入侵;disrupt (v) 擾亂;disruption (n) 擾亂;inventory (n) 目錄 / 存貨;fuel (v) 加劇使惡化;shortage (n) 短缺;be deficient in N:N不足;sufficient / abundant / adequate (adj) 充足的;supply and demand 供需;imbalance (n) 不平衡;ease (v) 舒緩緩解;uneven (adj) 不平均;adjust (v) 調整;raise interest rate 提高利率;at the rate of N:以…速率或費率;aggressive (adj) 激進的 / 有侵略性的 / 積極主動的;address / resolve (v) 解決(問題);play a ~ role in N:在N扮演~角色;tighten (v) 拉緊 / 緊縮;loosen (v) 放鬆;be cautiously optimistic about N:對N審慎樂觀的;pessimistic (adj) 悲觀的;eventually / ultimately (adv) 最終地;take measures 採取方法;make progress on N:在N上有進展;noted / marked / striking / obvious (adj) 顯著明顯的;prominent / noted / distinguished (adj) famous 知名的;target / aim / goal / objective / object (n) 目標;stable (adj) 穩定的;steady (adj) 穩定且持續的;shrug (v) 聳肩;shrug off N:對N不在乎;compensate for N = make up for N:彌補N / 補償N;risk + Ving:冒著…危險;shadow (n) 陰影;fade away:消退;vital / crucial / essential / fundamental / significant (adj) 重要的;critical (adj) 重要的 / 嚴重的 / 批評的;significant / considerable / substantial (adj) 大量的;on the horizon 即將發生;navigate (v) 駕駛 / 成功度過(困境);hazard (n) 危險;dilemma (n) 兩難困境;adversity / odds (n) 困境;economic recession 經濟衰退->