113 學測英文時事單字猜題(一)
■ TOPIC 1:Pedestrians have the right of way. 行人有路權
be notorious for 特色/ as 同位格:因…惡名昭彰;dub/ nickname (v) 取綽號;a living hell for pedestrian:行人地獄;urge (n) 強烈渴望 = desire/ (v) 督促促使 = prompt;prompt (adj) immediate (v) 督促促使;unveil/ announce (n) 宣布;resort to N:訴諸於N;strict traffic regulation:嚴格的交通法規;maintain the 3-meter rule:保持三公尺的規則;require (v) 要求;mandatory/ compulsory (adj) 強制性的;go into effect = take effect:(法規)生效;be in place:(法規)就定位已準備好了;enforce/ implement/ carry out N:實施執行;enforcement/ implementation (n) 實施執行;legal/ legitimate (adj) 合法的;illegal/ illegitimate (adj) 違法的;reckless/ careless (adj) 粗心大意的;conduct (n) 行為 (v) 做(科學類的事);misconduct (n) 不當的行為;fail to stop:沒能停下來;break/ breach/ violate the law:違法;violation (n) 違反;violator (n) 違法者;penalty (n) 處罰/ 罰款;fine (v)(n) 罰款;face heavy punishment = be faced with heavy punishment:面臨重罰;road safety:道路安全;road user:道路使用者;pedestrian (n) 行人;passenger (n) 乘客;driver/ motorist (n) 駕駛人;sit/ get behind the wheel:坐上駕駛座負責開車;cyclist (n) 騎腳踏車的人;weave (-wove-woven) in and out of traffic:交織(編織)穿梭在車陣中;vehicle (n) 車輛/ 手段工具;stay safe:保持安全;encounter N = have an encounter with N:遇到N;the absence of N:缺乏N;pedestrian-friendly (adj) 行人友善的;infrastructure/ facility (n) 公共設施;pavement/ sidewalk (n) 人行道;crosswalk (n) 行人穿越道;intersection (n) 十字路口;pedestrian crossing signal (n) (小綠人/ 小紅人)行人穿越號誌;give the walk signal:小綠人亮;cross/ pass a zebra crossing:過斑馬線;block (v) 堵塞;come to a complete (或是full) stop:完全停下來;switch to N:(燈號)轉換成N;blink (v)(n) 眨眼/ 燈號閃爍;yield to (= give way to) pedestrians on the crosswalk:讓路給行人穿越道上的行人;collide with N = crash into N = bump into/ against N:和N碰撞;fatal/ deadly (adj) 致命的;crash/ collision (n) (車禍)碰撞;run over N:輾過N;be to blame = should be responsible for N =should be held accountable for N:應該為N負責;prevent N from happening:避免某事的發生;preventable tragedy:可避免的悲劇;leave no room for errors:沒有犯錯的空間;exert/ exercise extreme caution:發揮極度警戒;look out for N= watch out for N:留心注意N;jaywalk = cross against the red light:(行人)擅自穿越馬路;regardless of N:無論N/ 不管N;lane (n) 小巷/ 車道;blow/ sound/ honk the horn:按喇叭;hinder/ obstruct/ hamper the traffic flow:阻礙車流;traffic jam:塞車;deliberate (adj) intentional/ on purpose 故意的 (v) deliberate on N = meditate on N = ponder on N:深思熟慮N;take N into account = take N into consideration:將N納入考慮;fasten the seatbelt:繫安全帶;wear the helmet:戴安全帽;crack down on drunk driving:取締酒駕:accomplish/ achieve/ attain the ultimate goal of zero road fatalities:達成道路零傷亡的終極目標