
單字講座 21:addictive (adj) / additive (n) / additional (adj)

教學時,我們常看到學生在特定單字群組使用上抓不到訣竅。這也促使我們決定在本站招牌的「文法講座」外,再加開「單字講座」,目標自然是要讓大家學得快,又學得好 😊😊😊😊

單字講座 21:addictive (adj) / additive (n) / additional (adj)

▶ 例 1:男孩們覺得這個遊戲 很令人著迷,花了無數小時試著想解開遊戲裏複雜的謎團。
The boys found the game addictive, and spent countless hours attempting to solve its intricate puzzles.

▶ 例 2:菸草中的尼古丁就是讓人難以戒菸的主要 成癮 物質。
Nicotine is the main addictive substance in tobacco that makes quitting so hard.

additive (n) 添加物 

▶ 例 1:添加如防腐劑和食品級人工色素等食品 添加劑 是為了提升產品的賣相或延長產品的貨架壽命。
Food additives such as preservative and artificial food coloring are added to enhance the appearance of a product or to extend its shelf life.

 additional (adj) extra 額外的/ 附加的

▶ 例 1:新冠肺炎加強針就是在原先打的疫苗所提供的保護力隨時間削退後所施打的 額外的 一劑。
A COVID booster shot is an additional dose of a vaccine given after the protection provided by the original shot has begun to decrease over time.

結論:addictive / additive / additional,詞性和字義都不同,看仔細囉。
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