
單字講座 33:border (n) / boundary (n)

台灣版「ME TOO」如燎原野火,漫無邊際地延燒。被害者勇敢開撕不愉快的過往,揭發加害人如何以各種光怪陸離的藉口,無視人際界線,對他們施加精神、心理和身體的壓迫。期盼這股風暴能催生出遏制性騷的解方。話說踰越人際界線是 overstep personal borders 還是 personal boundaries呢? 請見下方解說。

▍border (n) 國界

▶ 例 1:當跨越美加國界時,你必須出示你的護照。
When crossing the border from Canada to the US, you have to show your passport.

▍boundary (n) 分界線 / 限制 = limit

▶ 例 1:這本小說巧妙地模糊了現實和虛幻間的界線
The novel cleverly blurs the boundary between reality and fantasy.

▶ 例 2:突破限制、跨出舒適圈或許能讓你挖掘出自己尚未被開發的天分。
Pushing boundaries and stepping out of your comfort zone may lead you to discover your untapped potential.

▶ 例 3:當某人在你不願意的情況下觸碰你,他就逾越了你的身體界線
If someone touches you when you don’t want them to, they overstep your physical boundaries.

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