
文法講座五十六:雙重否定「no / never / not … without …」



Never cross the road without looking both ways first.

解析:句中的副詞 never(絕不)和介系詞 without(沒有)形成了雙重否定,「負負得正」,兩個否定意指肯定,即:Cross the road after looking both ways,強調了要先看兩邊才過馬路。


There is no smoke without fire.

解析:句中的 no(沒有)和介系詞 without(沒有)形成了雙重否定,「負負得正」,兩個否定意指肯定,即:There is smoke with fire。強調了有火就有煙。


No one should ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.

解析:句中的 no(沒有)和介系詞 without(沒有)形成了雙重否定,「負負得正」,兩個否定意指肯定,即:One should wear a helmet to ride a motorcycle,強調了戴了安全帽才可騎車。


Mike can not fall asleep without his special hug pillow.

解析:句中的 not(不)和介系詞 without(沒有)形成了雙重否定,「負負得正」,兩個否定意指肯定,即:With his special hug pillow, Mike falls asleep,強調了有抱枕才睡得著。


No summer is complete without a trip to the beach.

解析:句中的 no(不)和介系詞 without(沒有)形成了雙重否定,「負負得正」,兩個否定意指肯定,即:Summer is complete with a trip to the beach,強調去了海灘,夏天才完整。

文法講座 5712130180770647080
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