單字講座 36:canal (n) / channel (n) / tunnel (n)
特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)及 Meta 老闆祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)這對「老冤家」六月底在 Twitter上「約架」。義大利政府甚至忙加柴火,邀兩人在羅馬競技場進行這場世紀鐵籠格鬥賽。嗨爆的網友們也頻頻臆測「火星人」和「蜥蜴人」的籠鬥最可能在那些平台和頻道播出。若有後續消息,再和大家分享囉。話說「頻道」是 canal、channel,還是 tunnel?下方說分明。
▍canal (n) 運河 / 渠道
▶ 例 1:卡在運河的巨大貨輪堵住了全球最繁忙的運輸路徑之一。
The massive cargo ship that got stuck in the canal blocked one of the world's busiest shipping routes.
▍channel (n) 頻道 / 通道 /(航)渠道 = canal /(達成目標的)管道
▶ 例 1: 電視遙控器毫無反應。我連電視都開不了,更別提切換頻道了。
The TV remote control is not responding at all. I can’t turn on the TV, not to mention changing channels.
▶ 例 2:稻田裏,灌溉渠道橫貫交錯。
The rice farms were crossed with irrigation channels.
▶ 例 3:這家服飾公司透過過季折扣店等各種經銷管道來銷售他們的產品。
The clothing company sells its products through a variety of distribution channels, including outlets.
▍tunnel (n) (地)隧道
▶ 例 1: 連接台北和宜蘭的雪山隧道讓車行時間減半。
The Snow Mountain tunnel, connecting Taipei with Yilan, halves the travel time.