
單字講座 41:command (v) (n) / commend (v)

《山道猴子的一生》,你看了嗎?這部乍看「手法粗糙」且採單薄AI配音的短片迄今已笑納千萬點閱。看著主角受困於低薪高工時、人際關係挫敗以及社群焦慮等沉重課題,小編也不禁回想起自己曾有過的「猴子時刻」。推薦大家有空看看這部網路迷因。話說「推薦」是command 還是 commend?下方說分明囉。

▍command (v) 命令掌控/ 贏得 (n) 命令掌控

▶ 例 1:國王下令將他的寵物狗當成皇室成員般妥善埋葬。
The king commanded that his pet dog be properly buried as a member of the royal family.

註:省略 should 的句型:command that S + (should) V原

▶ 例 2:尊重是雙向的。你若想贏得他人的尊重,你必須先尊重他人。
Respect is a two-way street, if you want to command respect, you’ve got to give it first.

例 3:精通英文幫助你在國外找到好工作。
Having a good command of English helps you land a good job overseas.

註:have a good command of N:掌控好N / 精通擅長N = have mastery of N

▍commend (v) 稱讚 = praise/ 推薦 = recommend

例 1:我稱讚我家的狗因為他正確回應了我的指令
I commend my dog for his accurate responses to my commands.

註:commend sb for N/Ving:因為某事而稱讚某人

例 2:Andy 是個很出色的學生。我向貴系強力推薦他。
Andy is an exceptional student, and I strongly commend him to your program.

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