單字講座 49:accommodate (v)/ harbor (v)/ house (v)/ store (v)
剛結束的 113 年學測第一大題詞彙,再次把 108 年指考第三大題文意選填的單字「house」挖出來考。考前勤練歷屆學測和指考的同學們,賺到了!究竟國小就已學到的單字「house」,當動詞使用時是什麼意思呢?讓我們看下去!
▍accommodate (v) 容納
▶ 例 1:這個房間不夠大,不足以容納 50 名賓客。
The room is not big enough to accommodate 50 guests.
(註)accommodate to N = adapt to N:適應;accommodation (n) 住宿
▍harbor (v) 藏匿 = secretly shelter (n) 港口
▶ 例 1:藏匿逃犯是違法的。
It is illegal to harbor a fugitive.
▍house (v) 容納安置 (n) 房子
▶ 例 1:這個美術館原先是為了安置石油大亨 J. Paul Getty 的龐大美術收藏而蓋的。
The museum was originally constructed to house the vast art collection belonging to oil tycoon J. Paul Getty. (取自108指考第21題)
▍store (v) 儲存 / 存放 (n) 商店
▶ 例 1:記得將餅乾存放在密封的容器裡。
Remember to store the cookies in an airtight container.
▶ 例 2:我們公司想建立資料庫來儲存寶貴的客戶資料。
Our company wants to build a database to store valuable customer information.
▍accommodate (v) 容納
▶ 例 1:這個房間不夠大,不足以容納 50 名賓客。
The room is not big enough to accommodate 50 guests.
(註)accommodate to N = adapt to N:適應;accommodation (n) 住宿
▍harbor (v) 藏匿 = secretly shelter (n) 港口
▶ 例 1:藏匿逃犯是違法的。
It is illegal to harbor a fugitive.
▍house (v) 容納安置 (n) 房子
▶ 例 1:這個美術館原先是為了安置石油大亨 J. Paul Getty 的龐大美術收藏而蓋的。
The museum was originally constructed to house the vast art collection belonging to oil tycoon J. Paul Getty. (取自108指考第21題)
▍store (v) 儲存 / 存放 (n) 商店
▶ 例 1:記得將餅乾存放在密封的容器裡。
Remember to store the cookies in an airtight container.
▶ 例 2:我們公司想建立資料庫來儲存寶貴的客戶資料。
Our company wants to build a database to store valuable customer information.