
單字講座 50:census (n)/ consensus (n)/ conscience (n)/ consciousness (n)

很可惜地,2023 年年初大學聯招委員在會議裏達成未來 3 年分科測驗仍維持不加考國文及英文的共識。國英兩科「一試兩用」,或多或少也促成了「一試定終身」。話說「共識」是census、consensus、conscience,還是 consciousness 呢?下方說分明。

▍census (n)(人口)數量普查
▶ 例1:政府每隔十年進行一次人口普查,計算國內的人口總數,也記錄人口的年齡、性別和職業等資訊。
A census is conducted every 10 years to count the population of a nation and to record information about the population’s age, sex, and occupation.

▍consensus (n) 共識
▶ 例1:大團體裏,任何事都難達成共識,因為人多嘴雜。
In a large group, it’s hard to reach a consensus on anything because there are just too many opinions.

▍conscience (n) 良心
▶ 例1:對妻子撒謊讓他良心不安。
Lying to his wife troubled his conscience.

▍consciousness (n) 清醒的狀態 / 意識觀念
▶ 例1:被害人在車禍中失去意識,這意味著他可能有腦傷。
Losing consciousness in a crash indicates that the victim may have suffered a head injury.

▶ 例2:維多利亞時代的英國人有強烈的階級意識。上流階級是由皇室和其他有頭銜的人所組成。
In the Victorian era, the British had strong class consciousness, with the upper class made up of the Royal family and other titled people.

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