單字講座 51:commemorate (v) / memorize (v) / memoir (n)
前陣子,高雄「呱」起黃色小鴨旋風。這對萌樣小鴨,想必勾起不少人兒時開心泡澡的回憶!那麼今天我們就來熟悉一下 commemorate、memorize、memoir 這三個和回憶相關的單字吧。
▍commemorate (v) 紀念
▶ 例 1:人們在國殤紀念日群集紀念那些在戰爭中逝去的生命。
On Remembrance Day, people come together to commemorate those who died in the wars.
▍memorize (v) 熟記 = learn N by heart
▶ 例 1:上周老師叫我們熟記乘法表。
The teacher had us memorize the multiplication tables last week.
▍memoir (n) 回憶錄
▶ 例 1:她在回憶錄裏記載了她抗癌的過程。
In her memoir, she chronicled her battle against cancer.
▍commemorate (v) 紀念
▶ 例 1:人們在國殤紀念日群集紀念那些在戰爭中逝去的生命。
On Remembrance Day, people come together to commemorate those who died in the wars.
▍memorize (v) 熟記 = learn N by heart
▶ 例 1:上周老師叫我們熟記乘法表。
The teacher had us memorize the multiplication tables last week.
▍memoir (n) 回憶錄
▶ 例 1:她在回憶錄裏記載了她抗癌的過程。
In her memoir, she chronicled her battle against cancer.