
單字講座 72:dental (adj) / oral (adj) / verbal (adj)

問問身邊的朋友,世界上最可怕的事情是什麼?恐怕很多人會說:看牙醫!躺在診療椅上,手拿針筒的牙醫師、器械放入嘴巴產生的異物感,或是尖銳的鑽牙吱吱聲都足以讓壓力和恐懼指數爆表。話說「牙齒的」是 dental、oral 還是 verbal 呢?下方說分明。

▍dental (adj) 牙齒的
▶ 例 1:下周一,我安排了牙齒的清洗(洗牙)。
I have a dental cleaning scheduled for next Monday.

▍oral (adj) 口腔的 / 口述的
▶ 例 1:牙醫師告訴六歲小病患口腔的衛生有多麼重要,同時也示範她該如何照顧她的牙齒。
The dentist told the 6-year-old patient how important oral hygiene was and demonstrated how she could take care of her teeth.

▶ 例 2:三個教授對 Jack 進行口述的考試(口試)。
Jack sat for an oral exam conducted by three professors.

▍verbal (adj) 口頭的 <> (反義字) written / 文字語言的
▶ 例 1:你和房東之間的租賃合約,可以是書面的,也可以是口頭的
The lease agreement between you and your landlord can be either written or verbal.

▶ 例 2:言語霸凌可能包含傷人的嘲弄、侮辱、誹謗、威脅或種族歧視的評論。
Verbal Bullying may include hurtful teasing, insults, slurs, threat, or racist comments.

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