
單字講座 73:decrease (n) (v) / decline (n) (v) / reduce (v)


▍decrease (v) (n) 減少下降
▶ 例 1:在太空中,人的心跳變得緩慢,肌肉量減少,骨骼流失一些鈣質。
In space, the heart gets lazy, muscles decrease in size, and bones lose some of their calcium.

▶ 例 2:產品需求量減少,同時供給量增加,這將使價格下降
A simultaneous decrease in product demand and an increase in supply will decrease the price.
註 第一個 decrease 為「名詞」,第二個 decrease 為「動詞」。

▍decline (v) 減少下降 / 拒絕 (n) 減少下降
▶ 例 1:你戒菸後,得大多數癌症的風險將會下降
The risk of developing most cancers will decline after you quit smoking.

▶ 例 2:由於行程衝突,我不得不拒絕 Jack 的派對邀請。
Due to conflicting schedules, I had no choice but to decline Jack’s party invitation.

▶ 例3:據報導,該車商這一季遭逢獲利急遽減少
It is reported that the automaker faces a sharp decline in its profits this season.

▍reduce (v) 減少
▶ 例 1:戒菸減少死於癌症的風險。
Quitting smoking reduces the risk of dying from cancer.

由上方例句可知,decrease 和 reduce 後方可加受詞,而 decline 後方則不加受詞。

單字講座 3485123679193736616
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