單字講座 77:desert (n) (v) / dessert (n)
原來,駱駝的駝峰儲的不是水,而是脂肪!當「沙漠之舟」因長途跋涉而感到饑渴難耐時,駝峰的脂肪就會分解,產生水和能量,滿足身體所需。據研究,每消耗0.45公斤的駝峰脂肪,就能產生0.5公斤的水。難怪「便當」隨身的駱駝可以不吃不喝,撐過大半個月!話說「沙漠」是 desert還是 dessert呢?下方說分明。
▍desert (n) 沙漠 (v) 拋棄
▶ 例 1:駱駝不喝水也可以在沙漠中存活數週。
Camels can survive for weeks in the desert without drinking water.
▶ 例 2:在她老公為了另一個女人拋棄她之後,Sally 獨力撫養三個小孩。
Sally raised her three children single-handedly after her husband had deserted her for another woman.
▍dessert (n) 甜點
▶ 例 1:我愛吃甜食。沒甜點,日子就過不下去了。
I have a sweet tooth, and I can’t live without dessert.
▍desert (n) 沙漠 (v) 拋棄
▶ 例 1:駱駝不喝水也可以在沙漠中存活數週。
Camels can survive for weeks in the desert without drinking water.
▶ 例 2:在她老公為了另一個女人拋棄她之後,Sally 獨力撫養三個小孩。
Sally raised her three children single-handedly after her husband had deserted her for another woman.
▍dessert (n) 甜點
▶ 例 1:我愛吃甜食。沒甜點,日子就過不下去了。
I have a sweet tooth, and I can’t live without dessert.