單字講座 78:diploma (n) / diplomat (n) / diplomacy (n)
1995 年啟動教改列車後的 20 年間,台灣的大學從 23 所暴增至122所,大學生也從 24 萬人增加到 124 萬人,近年大學錄取率更是高達 98%。這種「人人都有大學畢業證書」的現象會造就學歷貶值嗎?話說「畢業證書」是 diploma、diplomat 還是 diplomacy 呢?下方說分明。
▍diploma (n) 畢(結)業證書
▶ 例 1:我有的學分比取得大學畢業證書所需的必修學分還多。
I had more than enough credits to receive my college diploma.
▍diplomat (n) 外交官
▶ 例 1:當戰爭爆發時,許多國家急忙撤離他們的外交官和公民。
When the war broke out, many foreign countries scrambled to evacuate their diplomats and citizens.
▍diplomacy (n) 外交 / 處理人際關係的手腕
▶ 例 1:戰爭代表了外交折衝失敗。
War represents a failure of diplomacy.
▶ 例 2:Jack 有處理人際關係的天份。他總能讓他那些爭執不休的手足和好如初。
With a gift for diplomacy, Jack never fails to get his bickering siblings to make up.
▍diploma (n) 畢(結)業證書
▶ 例 1:我有的學分比取得大學畢業證書所需的必修學分還多。
I had more than enough credits to receive my college diploma.
▍diplomat (n) 外交官
▶ 例 1:當戰爭爆發時,許多國家急忙撤離他們的外交官和公民。
When the war broke out, many foreign countries scrambled to evacuate their diplomats and citizens.
▍diplomacy (n) 外交 / 處理人際關係的手腕
▶ 例 1:戰爭代表了外交折衝失敗。
War represents a failure of diplomacy.
▶ 例 2:Jack 有處理人際關係的天份。他總能讓他那些爭執不休的手足和好如初。
With a gift for diplomacy, Jack never fails to get his bickering siblings to make up.