單字講座 79:disciple (n) / discipline (n) (v)
沒想到威廉王子也是瑜珈的追隨者!幾年前,英國威廉王子應邀參加馬球賽。賽前,他脫掉鞋子,直接在草地上做起瑜伽,貓式、扭轉三角式、平板撐體 ...,認真熟練的模樣令人大開眼界。話說「追隨者」是 disciple 還是 discipline?下方說分明。
▍disciple (n) 追隨者 = follower = student
▶ 例 1:猶大是耶穌的追隨者。他背叛耶穌以換取金錢。
Judas is a disciple of Jesus who betrayed him in exchange for money.
▍discipline (n) 紀律 (v) 管教
▶ 例 1:缺乏紀律是他所有行為問題的根源。
Lack of discipline was the root of all his behavior problems.
▶ 例 2:每個父母總會遇到糾結著該如何好好管教子女的時候。
There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child.
▍disciple (n) 追隨者 = follower = student
▶ 例 1:猶大是耶穌的追隨者。他背叛耶穌以換取金錢。
Judas is a disciple of Jesus who betrayed him in exchange for money.
▍discipline (n) 紀律 (v) 管教
▶ 例 1:缺乏紀律是他所有行為問題的根源。
Lack of discipline was the root of all his behavior problems.
▶ 例 2:每個父母總會遇到糾結著該如何好好管教子女的時候。
There comes a time when every parent struggles with how best to discipline their child.