
單字講座 94:entrance (n) / entry (n)

今年 3 月,有國人赴他國旅遊時,將旅遊景點紀念章蓋於護照內頁,造成入境他國遭拒,並被遣返回台。提醒大家護照是「公文書」,不是集章手冊或筆記本。任何塗鴉、貼紙、污損都可能讓期盼許久的旅程瞬間泡湯。話說「進入」是 entry 還是 entrance 呢?下方說分明。

▍entrance (n)入口 / 進入許可
▶ 例 1:媽媽牽起我的手。我們一起朝商店入口走去。
Mom took my hand and we headed for the store entrance.

▶ 例 2:每年一月,台灣高中生參加大學入學考試。
Taiwanese high school students take the college entrance exam every January.

▍entry (n) 參加(作品或人數) / 進入
▶ 例 1:今年收到的兩千件參賽作品,品質好到讓評審團印象深刻。
The jury was impressed by the quality of the 2000 entries received this year.

▶ 例 2:有些國家拒絕護照將在六個月內過期的旅客入境
Some countries deny entry to travelers with passports that expire in less than 6 months.

單字講座 1433447691637860755
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